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Karin's POV - Date day (Friday)

I woke up at the sound of my alarm, its 1:00 just enough time to get ready since Bashar texted me and told me to dress comfortable. I got my clothes out from my closet and the flat iron so i can straighten my hair. I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth, washed my face, then went in the shower.

 20 minutes later i got out put on lotion and got dressed then i went back in the bathroom to do my hair, and a light makeup session. After i did all that it was 2:30, i texted Bashar my address so he can know where he going. Using my spare time i posted my outfit on IG

 Using my spare time i posted my outfit on IG

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It wasn't too hot outside or too cold, so it was just right for my outfit. I chilled out for a little bit and then i got a call from Bashar

{Phone Call}

Me: "Hello"

Bashar: "Wassup, i might not be able to make it"

Me: "Stop playing Bashar"

Bashar: "I'm seri-". I hanged up on him, and he called right back

Me: "What"

Bashar: "Why you hang up"

Me: "Because you wasted my time"

Bashar: "I was playing mamas. I'm outside". He laughed

Me: "Okay"

{Phone Call Over}

I went outside, i know he gonna try to give me a hug so i was gonna be petty since i'm still mad and he just gonna have to deal with it. But damn he look good

 But damn he look good

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(just act like he sitting on the hood of his car😂)

"Wassup". He said as i walked towards the car. "Wassup". I said back as i folded my arms. "Woah when you start saying that". He reached for a hug but i moved back. "Wow so you not gonna give me a hug, you still mad?"

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