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Karin's POV - 

             The next morning i woke up i noticed that i was in my room, in my bed. I was confused because last time i checked i was with Bashar downstairs in the living room.

    I got out my bed and walked to the bathroom to release my bladder, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I went downstairs to the living room and seen that everything was clean how i had it before he came over yesterday

"At least he has manners and knows how to clean". I spoke to myself

I went inside my kitchen and got an apple and a water bottle. I walked back upstairs to my room and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, i noticed that i had several notifications for text messages from my besties and Bashar


Bashar😜: I had to go, i had to take care of business      10:13

Then i got some from the group chat

Badbitches gc❤😜👑:

Badbitchmiry❤: So did shit get poppin orrrrrrrrr?

Badbitchkenken💜: Right cause you ain't call us all night, or text so you must have gotten busy

Badbitchmiry❤: Right, so tell us the deets pooh

I decided to respond to all because i know they going to keep blowing my phone up and nobody wants that to happen

{Text Messages}

Me: Okay, thanks for cleaning up

Bashar😜: No problem


Badbitches gc❤😜👑:

Badbitchrin💙(me): Actually no nothing was popping but it was fun we just chilled and watched movies 

Badbitchmiry❤: Okayyyyy my chile of god, thank you for keeping it pg 13 my lord

Badbitchkenken💜: Can i get an amen

Badbitchmiry❤: Amen my sister, amen

Badbitchin💙(me): First off y'all going to hell😂 but i'm going to pop up at the shop today miry, but i'm going to see my aunt first

Badbitchmiry❤: Okay that's fine with me i got a lot of heads to do today but you know your always welcome

Badbitchkenken💜: Okay well while y'all nappy headed heifers making plans i got to go to work

Badbitchrin💙(me): Don't be mad because you got to work today, we all do its just that i start a late shift, make that money pooh

Badbitchkenken💜: Well sorry i thought y'all heifers was just making fun plans without me

Badbitchmiry❤: Don't be sorry hoe, be careful

Badbitchrin💙(me): 😂 Never

Badbitchkenken💜: LMAO, bitch wanna be a comedian so bad

Badbitchmiry❤: Fuck y'all hoes, see y'all later love you pooh's

Badbitchkenken💜: Its that gemini bi-polar shit, love y'all too

Badbitchrin💙(me): Mhm, love y'all see y'all later

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