Chapter Two- Wildfire

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Thunder woke yawning.

"How did you sleep?" Asked her mother as she stretched her wings.

"Not great." Answered Thunder.

"You can try and get some extra rest today." Said her mother.

"But right now we need to hunt."

Thunder nodded and followed her mother out of the cave and into the soft golden glow of the morning sun. Thunder lifted her head to the sky, letting the sun warm her scales and the smell of crushed pine needles fill her nose.

"Downpour said that he saw a herd of deer heading up into the safety of the trees just south of here. We can catch them if we're fast enough." She said.

Nimbus then spread her wings and took off through the trees, her and her father following close behind. They could see everything from up here in the clear blue sky. Thunder could see the miles and miles of pine forest that stretched out in front of her and she could see the Skytooth Mountains looming up to her right, its peaks silhouetted against the sky.

It's beautiful. Thought Thunder.

Suddenly her mother tucked in her wings and dove towards a group of trees along mountain's base. Thunder followed, enjoying the feeling of the wind tearing at her wings and tail.

The three StormWings fanned their wings and landed lightly on the soft ground. Her mother raised her head in the air and sniffed it. She then swung her head to the the left and said "They're over there."

As one the three dragons moved silently towards the spot where the deer were, her father circling around to the left and Thunder to the right. When they got to the clearing where the deer were her mother growled low in her throat and made herself visible to the deer who ran in all directions.

Thunder launched herself at one of the deer who came close to her, digging her claws into its neck, killing it. Behind her her parents did the same, killing a deer for themselves.

When the kills were made they ate and then flew back to the cave. Her parents went back into the cave but Thunder decided not to. She stayed outside in the clearing, wishing that she could be up in the sky right now, flying.

She knew, however, that it was far to dangerous to fly out in the open like that without the ability to channel lightning or charge her fire.

This is when they'll attack. She thought.

"Thunder." Said a soft voice behind her.

She turned her head to see her ForestWing friend Pineneedle standing at the edge of the clearing.
"Hiding from your parents again?" He asked, walking over to her and standing beside her, his light green scales reflecting the sunlight and making them shimmer.

"Yeah." Thunder said, laying down on the ground and resting her head on her talons.

Pineneedle did the same, resting his head next to hers.

"We will be able to see the stars tonight." He said, looking up at the sky.

"I can meet you out here at midnight." He said.
"I'd like that." Said Thunder.

"Then it's a deal?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said.


That night Thunder lay in bed waiting for the right time to go meet Pineneedle when she heard something... odd. It was a crackling noise, like something was... burning.

She got up and was going to the entrance of the cave when Pineneedle suddenly burst into the cave breathless, his scales smudged with dark ashes, his snout marked with a bleeding claw mark.

"They've found us." He said, his voice raw and terrified.

Behind her she heard her parents stir and wake.
"What's going on?" Asked her mother.

"The FlameWings. They've found us. They're setting the whole forest on fire, trying to get the ForestWings to flee. They're coming for your caves next, we have to hurry!" He said, his voice desperate.

"Then we must go." Said her father grimly.
"Lead the way."

Pineneedle ran up to the entrance of the cave, the three StormWings following close behind. When they emerged out into the forest what Thunder saw horrified her. The pine trees were all burning with a swirling gold and orange flame, and the dead branches and needles on the ground were starting catch fire to.

The intense heat of the fire washed over Thunder instantly and smoke choked her and made her eyes sting and water. All she wanted to do was get out.

"Come on!" Said Pineneedle.

They followed him to the edge of the clearing where the fire had stopped, creating a large half-circle of what was safe. 

"There's a hole in the trees that you can get through, but you have to hurry!" Yelled Pineneedle over the crackling roar of the fire.

Thunder was just about to spread her wings and take off when something slammed into her, knocking her to the ground. She immediately felt the intense burning sensation of fire and burning pain where the dragon had contacted her.
She roared at the dragon who had tackled her and picked herself up off of the ground, her fire attack ready.

Thunder was not ready for what she saw. Standing in front of her was a full grown FlameWing who had gold and orange flames incasing his body, the writhing flames dancing across his scarlet scales.

The FlameWing growled at her and launched himself at her again but Thunder was prepared for it this time. She shot a stream of blue fire at the FlameWing, bathing him with intense blue flame. She kept this up until the orange dragon shrieked in pain and fell back, one side of his face, neck and body blackened. He looked at her with hate filled golden eyes and snarled 'StormWing' with enough venom to kill a full grown CaveWing.

"FlameWing." Thunder hissed back with as much, if not more, hatred in her voice.

The FlameWing roared and pulled himself to his feet, pain and pure hatred filling his eyes. Thunder saw the back of the FlameWing's throat start to glow but couldn't get out of the way in time as the FlameWing's fire hit her right wing and side.

Awful, burning pain spread throughout her body as she collapsed to the forest floor, unable to stand.

The last thing that Thunder saw before she passed out was her mother driving her claws into the FlameWing's throat and his scarlet body falling to the ground, dead.

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