Chapter Three- Recovery

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Thunder opened her eyes and blinked against the bright light that filled them. Once her vision cleared she realized that she was in a bed. She lifted her head and winced as burning pain spread through her side. As she looked around she saw other dragons in beds with bandages wrapped around limbs, necks sides, wings and even heads.

All of them are victims of the FlameWings and CaveWings. She thought.

Thunder then tried to shift her weight and cried out as agonizing pain spread through her body in waves. Suddenly it all came back to her in a rush of memories.

The FlameWing attacking her and her bathing him in blue flame. Then he got up and bathed her in orange and gold flames and she collapsed, pain spreading through her. Her mother killing the FlameWing and her world going dark.

Thunder then looked at her side and wing. They were wrapped in bandages, some of them stained red.

Was I burned that badly? She thought, shocked.

"You're awake!" A voice exclaimed.

Thunder looked up to see her brother bounding towards her.

"Cyclone!" She exclaimed.

He wrapped his younger sister in a loving but gentle  embrace, and Thunder reveled in it. It had been so long since she had seen Cyclone that she hadn't realized just how much she missed him.
"How did you get out of the army?" She asked.

"When the Captain of our company found out that the forests by the StormWing caves had been attacked and lit on fire he went to see who had been injured and killed. When he found out that you had been injured he gave me permission to come and see you." He said.

"I'm glad that you came." Said Thunder.

"I've missed you."

"Me to, little sis." Cyclone said, smiling.
He then hugged her tighter.

"You were still small when I left for the army." He said.

"And now you're all grown up."

He looked her in the eyes.

"You've got dad's black scales sand mom's eyes gold markings." Cyclone said. "A rare combination."

Thunder smiled.

"Everyone says that."

"It is, though. You're special." He said.

"Yeah right." She said.

"You'll find your place." Her brother said.

"Let me go get mom and dad, there're worried sick." He said.

A few minutes later Nimbus and Rainstorm came into the room.

"Thunder!" Her mother exclaimed.

"We thought that we had lost you!"

Her mother wrapped her in a warm embrace.
"We're so glad that you're alive." Her father said as Nimbus let go of her daughter.

"Now get some rest." She said.

"Alright." Said Thunder, settling back into a comfortable position.

In a matter of minutes Thunder was asleep, dreaming of flying in the clouds. When she woke she felt stronger and better, her mind clearer.

"Thunder." Said someone.

She turned her head to see a RiverWing doctor standing at the door, his sky blue wings tucked in close to his body.

"Do you want to try to stand?"

Thunder thought for a moment before nodding her head. The doctor came over and reached out a talon. Thunder took it and he gently helped her to get out of the bed. When she put weight on her legs she almost collapsed, but the doctor put a wing on her back and a talon just under her injured wing to steady her.

"Steady?" He asked.

Thunder nodded.

The doctor then stepped back and let Thunder balance. Her side throbbed a little bit it wasn't bad, and her wing have occasional throbs of pain, but otherwise she felt alright.

"Can you take a few steps?" Asked the doctor.

Thunder concentrated hard and took a few wavering steps.

"Good!" Said the doctor.

"You should be up and walking within the next few days!"

Thunder felt relieved to hear that. Having to stay in her bed was killing her. She then returned to her bed where she promptly fell asleep.
Her days continued like this, with her mornings starting with breakfast and then building up her strength again. The doctor had her do some stretches with her wing, but it hurt to move it, so the exercises were very limited.

By her fifth day in the infirmary she was walking around. She kept her burned wing tucked in close to her body so that no one would accidentally bump it.

When she went outside she found out that they were next to a river surrounded by trees and RiverWing homes, which were made in the trees by the water's edge.

Thunder went out to the river every morning and evening to watch the sun rise and set with her friend Pineneedle. It was her only escape from being locked in the hospital room with the other injured dragons.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Asked Pineneedle one night as they lay looking at the stars.

"Yeah, they are." She answered.

"They look like someone took diamonds of all shapes and sizes and flung them across the dark sky." He said.

"They do look like gems." Said Thunder.
"Sparkling ones."

"Thunder! Pineneedle!" Called her mother's voice.

"Come inside, it's getting to dark for you to be out here alone!" She said.

"Coming!" They both yelled.

They both walked to the door of the infirmary and went inside, but Thunder paused just outside of the doorway and looked up at the stars for the last time that night before going back inside and to her bed.

I'll be better soon. She thought as she climbed into her bed and settled comfortably into it.

I'll be able to fly in the clouds again, feel the power of the lightning flow through me.

She longed for that time, when she could fly freely again.

But everything would be different from now on. Their cave was to dangerous to back to. They would have to find yet another home.

This is what happens in war. Thought Thunder.
Dragons die and lose their homes and loved ones.
We'll figure it out, though. She thought.

I know we will.

I know it.

Thunder's eyelids then became very heavy and she closed them, giving in to her dreams of storms and lightning, flying and freedom.

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