Chapter Four- Stormseer

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About three weeks later Thunder was able to fly again. Some of the black scales on her wing were slightly discolored but now one could really tell unless they came up close.
Thunder didn't care. All she cared about was being able to fly again.
"Want to go for a flight?" Asked Pineneedle.
"Sure." Said Thunder, spreading her black and gold wings.
The two dragons then launched themselves into the air and flew out over the trees. Thunder swooped and dived around Pineneedle, doing loops and flying upside down beside Pineneedle.
"I don't think that I've ever seen you this excited to go flying in my life." He said, watching Thunder swoop and dive around him.
"That's because I've been stuck on the ground or so long." Said Thunder.
"You would act the same way if you were stuck on the ground for that long." Said Thunder.
"You're right, I would." Said Pineneedle.
Thunder then looked down and saw the mouth of a cave yawning wide and deep in the side of a mountain.
"Pineneedle, look." She said, pointing at the cave.
"Should we go explore?" She asked him.
"Yeah." Said Pineneedle, gliding down towards it.
Thunder followed close behind and they landed on the pine needle covered ground outside the cave.
"Should we be worried about CaveWings?" Asked Pineneedle.
"Just be ready to fight and run." Said Thunder.
"Alright." Said Pineneedle, his voice a little wary.
Together the two dragons walked into the dark cave, not knowing exactly what they would find.
When they got deep enough into the cave Thunder gathered a small amount of her strength, opened her mouth a little and let her blue flame burn in the back of her throat, giving off a bright blue light for them to see by.
"Thanks." Said Pineneedle.
Thunder nodded her head since she couldn't talk. The cave's floor was covered in stalactites and it's ceiling covered in stalagmites. It looked like they had just walked into the mouth of a huge, sleeping dragon.
"This is the coolest thing that I've ever seen." Said Pineneedle as he looked around the cave.
Thunder nodded again.
What felt like hours later they came to an opening in the rock. This wasn't just any opening, however, it was a hallway, and it was lit by torches with a blue flame.
Thunder closed her mouth and looked at Pineneedle with apprehension.
"Should we?" She asked, looking at the torches.
"What I'm if there are enemies in there?" Asked Pineneedle.
"Only StormWings have blue flame like that." Said Thunder.
"There has to be a StormWing down that hallway." She said, moving forwards.
Pineneedle followed closely behind her, keeping a watchful eye out for danger.
"This hallway is huge." He said, looking up to where the roof of the cave could be seen 50 feet above them.
"This must be a huge dragon." Said Pineneedle, his voice afraid now.
"It'll be fine." Said Thunder, walking down the hallway.
The hallway split off in all directions, going to different rooms, and Thunder wanted to explore them all, but she knew that whoever lived here wouldn't want her to mess with their stuff, and by the looks of the rooms and the hallways this dragon was huge.
The two friends walked down the main hallway and they eventually made it to where it ended. Thunder walked forwards and was shocked by what she saw.
The room's walls were covered in alcoves that held scrolls and writing materials.
In the corner lay and outstretched scroll, a map of Ventus scrawled on it. What shocked her the most, however, was the sheer size of the dragon that was curled in the middle of the room. His wingspan must have been at least 80 feet from tip to tip, and his height... about 60 or 70 feet tall.
The spines down his back were long and jagged, and his horns were wickedly sharp and curled. His scales were the shifting gray of storm clouds as they rolled across the sky. What baffled Thunder the most however was that instead of having gold, black or grey markings he had deep blue ones.
As she looked at him for a little longer she realized who they had found.
It was Stormseer, the most ancient StormWing in the tribe, the teller of prophecies, and the most powerful dragon in the whole of ThunderWing tribe.
"Pineneedle, we need to go back to the village, now. We need to tell the others what we've found."
Pineneedle nodded and they went back the way that they had come, Thunder barely believing what they had just found.
When they reached the mouth of the cave Thunder immediately launched herself into the sky, flying faster then she had ever flown before.
"Wait!" Cried Pineneedle, but Thunder didn't listen.
She had to tell her mother the news.
I can't believe that we've finally found him. She thought as she dove down towards the RiverWing village.
"Have you seen mother?" Asked Thunder to her brother when she landed outside of the infirmary.
"She went to talk with one of the RiverWings up by the river." He said, looking at her weirdly.
"I'll tell you later, just wait here." She said.
Thunder then took off again, flying towards the river. She found Nimbus talking with one of the RiverWings and landed in front of her.
"Mom, I need you to go get dad and meet outside of the infirmary." She said.
"Alright." Said Nimbus, not questioning her daughter and taking off.
Thunder went to see if there were any other StormWings in the area and gathered them all in front of the infirmary.
"What is the meaning of this?" Asked a black and gray StormWing towards the back.
"I gathered you all here because I have some very important news to tell you." Said Thunder, standing on the deck outside the front doors of the infirmary.
"We have found the one thing that could turn the tide of this war." She said, looking down at all of the dragons below her.
"We have found Stormseer."

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