Chapter Six- The Queen of Flames

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"My Queen." Said a scarlet FlameWing, bowing and spreading his wings.
"I bring you news that is of very high importance." He said.
"Speak." Hissed Queen Phoenix, her shimmering gold-and-orange scales reflecting the light of the torches lighting the throne room.
"The Stormseer has spoken a prophecy about a StormWing who has the power to stop us, but she needs to travel to the Unknown Continent to unlock her powers." He said, looking up into the Queen's blazing orange stare.
"Do we know the name of this dragon?" She asked, leaning forward, her eyes bright with curiosity.
"Yes, your majesty," said the dragon.
"Her name is Thunder, the only StormWing with black and gold scales." He said.
"She is currently living in a RiverWing village near the StormWing caves you destroyed a couple of days ago."
When the dragon had finished speaking Queen Phoenix got to her feet and said "Gather the guards, Vermilion."
She then spread her shimmering wings.
"I have a dragon to kill."
** ** **
Thunder was awakened by the sound of dragons yelling. She raised her head, now aware that something wasn't right.
Suddenly someone burst into the room.
It was Cyclone.
"You have to get out of here, Queen Phoenix is coming to kill you." He said to her, breathless, eyes full of fear.
"Grab your bag and go." He said.
"We will be right behind you."
Thunder nodded, getting up and hurriedly slinging the bag she was to take with her over her shoulder. Just then a bright flash of orange illuminated the forest outside as a dragon breathed flames onto the RiverWing's homes and the trees surrounding them. A gold and orange dragon then swooped by the window, a dragon that Thunder knew immediately to be Queen Phoenix.
"Go!" Said Cyclone, running out into the heavy rain and thunder of the night.
Thunder was greeted with a scene of absolute and utter chaos. Thunder cracked overhead like the roar of a huge dragon, rain poured down in sheets and lightning split the night.
Trees and homes were burning, the rain not enough to put out the incredibly hot fire the FlameWings possessed. RiverWings dived into the river to avoid being burned by the FlameWings circling overhead, one noticeably larger and stronger then the rest. StormWings and RiverWings alike battled the FlameWings in the sky, using the thunderstorm to their advantage.
Blue and orange flame rippled across the sky, and StormWings used their lightning attacks against the FlameWings, knocking some out of the sky, dead.
"Queen Phoenix." Whispered Thunder, spreading her wings to take off.
"Ah, there you are." Hissed a voice.
Thunder watched as a dragon with shimmering scales descended from the sky to land in front of her.
"Going somewhere?" She asked, the light of the fire bathing one side of her face in orange light and the other in shadow, giving her an evil appearance.
"Leave her alone." Hissed Cyclone.
"Oh come now, I don't want to have to kill you to." Said Phoenix, a viscous grin crossing her face.
FlameWings came and landed behind Phoenix and RiverWings and StormWings came and landed behind Cyclone and Thunder, her parents coming to stand next to them.
"Leave now." Said Nimbus, looking the Queen of the FlameWings in the eyes.
"Not without the one the prophecy spoke about." Said the Queen, smoke rising from her nostrils.
"I can't have you fulfilling the prophecy, now can I?" She said, her voice a growl.
"We won't let you kill her." Growled Cyclone, stepping in front of Thunder.
"Oh really now?" The Queen said, looking at him.
"I believe that I will leave here with her dead. Give her to me and none of you will get hurt."
"Lies." Growled Cyclone.
"We won't give her to you."
Then he did the unthinkable. He launched himself straight at Phoenix, claws outstretched.
In the blink of an eye Phoenix had her claws dug into Cyclone's throat, his blue blood welling up between her claws.
"It was a pity that I had to kill you," said the Queen, looking into Cyclone's fading eyes.
"I really liked you."
Cyclone then turned his head and with his dying breath uttered a single word:
And Thunder did, spreading her wings and taking off, tears flowing down her snout, the grief for her lost brother overwhelming.
"AFTER HER!" She heard Queen roar.
Thunder flew high up into the storm clouds, hoping to lose Phoenix in them, her father, mother, Rainstorm, Pineneedle and a couple of other dragons following her.
The FlameWings breathed fire at the group of dragons, and they attacked back, swooping around each other in the chaotic storm, each trying to get the upper hand.
Eventually they lost the FlameWings in the clouds, and they navigated their way through the storm easily, whereas the FlameWings were getting tossed around like leaves in the wind.
"Which way?" Thunder shouted over the thunder and wind.
"To the East!" Shouted her father, taking the lead.
The group of dragons then followed him, using the strong winds of the storm to carry them.
They flew through the night, the storm finally calming down as they flew over the open ocean with nowhere to land. They were all tired, but they knew that they had to keep going and reach the Unknown Continent before the FlameWings gathered in strength and came after them.
"How much farther?" Asked Thunder as she glided next to her mother in the early morning light.
"I don't know. Hopefully not much farther." She said.
Thunder could see that she was tired, her wing beats getting progressively slower.
"There!" She heard her father say.
As they got closer they saw that there was a thin line of sand and then a thick rainforest began to grow, reaching for what seemed like forever.
"We can land on the sand, rest and eat before exploring." Said Pineneedle, gliding down to the sand.
"We need to see is there are any other tribes living here.
As Pineneedle, her parents, Rainstorm and the other StormWings and RiverWings landed Thunder thought about how far they had flown, and how her brother was dead, murdered by Queen Phoenix.
You will pay for what you did. Once I unlock my full powers I will avenge him. She thought.
Just then they all heard rustling in the trees and got ready to fight, not knowing exactly what it was.

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