Chapter Five- The Prophecy

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The whole crowd of dragons immediately broke out in cheers. Thunder smiled as she saw all of the dragons cry out in joy. She waited for the noise to calm and then said "I'm taking only five dragons with me to see if we can awaken him." She said.
"My brother, mother and father, my good friend Pineneedle and one other." She said.
"I'll go!" Said an eager voice from the crowd.
Thunder looked down to see a gray and black dragon step forwards out of the crowd.
"Then we have our five." Said Thunder.
She went over to the grey and black dragon and said "What's your name?"
"Rainstorm." Said the dragon, looking at Thunder with curious eyes.
"I've never seen a dragon with gold and black scales like you." He said.
Thunder immediately felt uncomfortable.
"I'm the only StormWing to have black and gold scales." She said.
"Come on." Said Nimbus, beckoning Thunder to follow her.
Thunder did, Rainstorm following close behind her. "Thunder and Pineneedle, you lead the way." Said her mother.
She could see the glow of adventure in her mother's eyes, a look that she hadn't seen in a long time. Thunder then spread her black and gold wings and took off into the air, Pineneedle following close behind, Nimbus, Rainstorm, Cyclone and her father followed behind him.
Together Pineneedle and Thunder retraced the path to the cave, landing in front of its entrance and going inside. When they got to the hallway with the blue torches she could feel the adult dragons' excitement building.
As they walked down the hallway she heard Rainstorm and Nimbus gasp in unison when they saw the huge libraries full of scrolls.
When they got to the end of the hallway to Stromseer's cave all of the adult dragons were speechless.
"He's huge." She heard Rainstorm whisper, awestruck.
Thunder has to hold back a laugh.
"It's the real Stormseer." Whispered Nimbus.
Suddenly the ancient dragon stirred and Thunder took a step backwards, letting Nimbus get in front of her. As they watched as the dragon uncurled from his sleep and stretched his gigantic wings wide, filling the cave.
"It had been a long time since I have seen one of the StormWings." Said Stormseer, his voice deep and powerful.
He looked at Cyclone with his deep blue eyes and said "A mighty warrior, brave and smart."
Cyclone looked about as close to blushing as a dragon to could get.
"And a mother and father." He said, looking from Nimbus to Thunderhead, her father.
Thunder blended into the shadows, not wanting to be seen.
"Another brave young StormWing and a ForestWing." He said.
"A peculiar group of dragons." He said.
"What brings you here?" He asked, lowering his head so that Nimbus could look him in the eyes.
"We need you to help us in our fight against the FlameWings." Said Nimbus.
"They are killing us off and taking our land, there are only about a thousand of us left."
"I was afraid that you would say that." Said Stormseer.
He lifted his head to look above him.
"I am old, almost as old as the very continent itself, and my powers have grown weaker. I am not what I used to be, and I am afraid that am of no help to you in this war." He said.
"But there is another." He said, looking at the group of dragons again.
His eyes then rested on Thunder for a few moments before they became cloudy, his pupils disappearing, replaced by a sort of... fog.
Then he started to speak in a raspy voice... he started to speak a Prophecy.

Beneath a stormy sky a dragon awaits,
A dragon with scales of black and gold.
Only she had the potential to stop the War,
Stop the bloodshed
And stop the tears
With powers yet unseen.
These powers must be found in the land of the Unknown,
The Continent Across the Ocean,
Where beneath a lightning sky on the tallest peak Powers of immeasurable strength will be revealed.
The journey will not be easy,
It will test her strength, her trust and her hope,
Where enemies hide in the shadows and betrayal is a constant friend.
But all is not lost.
New allies will be found,
New treaties formed
In the war of Thunder and Fire.

When the Prophecy was spoken Stormseer's eyes returned to normal.
"The Thunderfire Prophecy." Whispered Stormseer.
"About the one who can defeat the FlameWings."
He then turned to Thunder.
"It is about you, young one." He said.
"No." Said Thunder, shaking her head.
"That can't be." She said.
"You must make the journey to the continent across the sea to unlock your true power, the power that can defeat the FlameWings." He said.
Suddenly Stormseer's head snapped up.
"FlameWings." He growled.
"Go now, and leave tonight so that the FlameWings will not find you and kill you, Thunder."
He looked her in the eyes.
"The best of luck to you."
Thunder nodded, still not quiet believing what she had heard.
A Prophecy about her?
The group of dragons quickly left the cave and flew back to the RiverWing village where they told all of the assembled dragons what had happened and what Thunder had to do.
They had ten dragons volunteer to come with Thunder alone with her family and Rainstorm. Other dragons gathered any items they deemed necessary to make the journey across the ocean, including medicinal supplies from the RiverWings and food from them to.
Thunder packed the book that she had saved from their old cave in a satchel with food and her medicinal materials.
She then put the satchel next to her bed and curled up to try to get some sleep before the journey, but found that she couldn't. She had too many thoughts swirling around inside her brain, like how she was now being hunted down by the FlameWings and how she had to go to the continent across the ocean to unlock her full powers, whatever that meant...
Thunder found that it all made her head hurt way to much, so she decided to fall asleep to the sound of the rain that had started to fall, oblivious to the danger that was coming closer and closer...

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