Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The school day was over, and for Maddie, Mackenzie, and Chloe, so were audition clinics. But, as soon as they got home, they had to get ready and go to dance. Even thought they weren’t being filmed anymore, they still went to a competition every weekend and had the pyramid and everything.

Chloe pulled up outside the Ziegler house and let Maddie and Mackenzie out. Kenzie and Maddie waved as they walked up their driveway and into their house. Maddie got quickly changed out of her clothes and into dance clothes. She put on her tights again and slipped into a pair of spandex shorts and purple sports bra. Maddie pulled her hair out of the pony tail it was in and brushed it before putting it back up.

Suddenly, her bedroom door swung open and in ran a crying Mackenzie. Maddie had seen her not even five minutes before, and she was perfectly fine. Maddie put her worried big sister look on her face  and pulled Mackenzie into a hug.

“What’s wrong, Kenz?” Maddie asked, pulling Mackenzie over to her bed. Maddie sat and Mackenzie collapsed on top of her.

“I read the Facebook sight…the one on your computer!” Mackenzie cried.

Maddie looked towards her desk, and sure enough, her computer wasn’t there.  I swear that thing has legs of its own! Maddie thought, rubbing Mackenzie’s back.

Kenzie continued, “It said that you slept with Brandon. You didn’t sleep with him, did you? You’ve never done the things they said you were doing. Right, Maddie? Right?!”

“No, of course not.” Maddie shook her head, only half-lying. She had kissed Brandon and she did kiss a few other boys from the studio, but it was in a game of spin the bottle, nothing counted for real.

Mackenzie jumped up and pulled Maddie with her. She pulled her sister into her bedroom and down to the floor where Maddie’s laptop was nicely set up. Maddie sat on the blue, shaggy rug that was sprinkled with Pringle crumbs. Her eyes lay upon a new set of posts.

Mikayla Green
So I heard that she got laid at school today. Can someone say whore?
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Gary Bean
What a slut! I’m gonna kill her one day.

“They’re just joking, Kenzie.” Maddie said, unsure of what she was saying was true or not. “I’ll be fine. We will all be fine. Get ready for dance; we’re leaving in a few minutes.”

Maddie walked out of Kenzie’s room without making eye contact. As soon as she got back into her room, she closed the door and locked it tight. She turned around and leaned onto her door, covered in pictures and posters of her and her friends from the Dance Moms days. She slid down the door knocking off a picture. Her knees were pulled to her chest and her arms were crossed in front of her. She leaned her head back and cried. Mackenzie sat on the other side of the door, listening to her big sister cry.

Maddie calmed down minutes later and Mackenzie got up and finished getting ready for dance. Maddie picked the fallen picture up and looked at it. It was a picture of her and Nick from a few years back. He was off at college by then, but it still hurt, him being gone, that is. Nick was Maddie’s first love, even though he was four years older than she was. It didn’t matter, though. He was the boy who had been there before Dance Moms, before Brandon, before the Facebook posts. And he had been there through it too. But, he was off in New York at NYU.

Maddie sighed and slipped the picture into the empty slot in her wallet. She grabbed her dance bag and got up off of the floor of her room. She grabbed her phone and headphones. She put on an old ALDC t-shirt as she walked out the door with her things. She packed up the car with her stuff and with Mackenzie’s stuff. She ran inside and got her CD with all of the music she ever needed on it. She walked out with Melissa and Mackenzie minutes later.

Melissa handed Maddie the keys. Maddie smiled and hopped in the front seat. Just a few more weeks until my license! Maddie screamed in her head. Mackenzie got in the back and Melissa got in the front. Everyone buckled up as Maddie started the car. Maddie pulled out of her drive way safely and up the road. She turned right and then left and then took another left to get out of the neighborhood. She drove and did everything she was supposed to. She pulled to a stop light and waited until it turned green. She had her left blinker on and everything.

“Do you mind if I change the radio station?” Mackenzie asked.

“Go for it,” Maddie said as she began to turn.

It  happened so fast, Maddie wasn’t sure what was happening. The only sounds she heard were the tires squealing on the black asfault road and the ring of metal crushing metal. Maddie pinched her eyes shut and felt glass pelt her skin.

Meanwhile, in the dance studio, Abby began with the pyramid. She stood in front of the girls and next to the pyramid. She looked around, confused on why Maddie and Mackenzie weren’t there. Chloe, Clara, Nia, Kendall, and Brianna were.

“Where are the Ziegler girls?” Abby asked, looking over to the moms.

Christi shook her head, “I have no clue, Abby.”

Maddie’s eyes were pinched shut as she took short, unsteady, scared breaths. She could still hear Mackenzie’s screech for help ringing in her ears. 

Sorry this chapter is so short! There was no real way to avoid it!

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