Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Maddie’s feet made a small tapping noise on the tile floor as she walked into the dark hospital room. Mackenzie was laying the hospital bed with beeping machines attached to her. She was black and blue from head to toe. Her head was still bandaged up and her eye was swollen shut. Maddie’s eyes felt heavy in her head. She gulped and grabbed onto Nick’s sleeve. Maddie’s legs weighed tons as she turned to him. Tears fell out of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Maddie through her arms around Nick’s neck. Melissa walked in and flipped the light on.

“Oh, hello you two,” She said as she sat down.

She plopped a few magazines down on the coffee table. Maddie let go of Nick and nearly jumped into Melissa’s lap. Nick nodded and let the mother and daughter have their alone time. As he walked out, Kurt, Maddie and Mackenzie’s dad, walked in. He set flowers down on the coffee table and a card on the counter. Nick sat outside the room in waiting area chairs. He tapped his foot against the floor, waiting for Maddie to come out. She was kicked out shortly after, Melissa needed to talk to Kurt, alone.

Maddie curled up in Nick’s lap and bawled, “She looks so bad.”

“She’ll get better,” Nick reassured her.

Maddie cried and cried and cried. A little while later, the Hyland’s walked down the hall with a vase of flowers and a few balloons. Nick glanced down the hallway at the brunette girls. Nick’s eyes grew wide, remembering the last time he saw Paige with blonde hair. Maddie felt him look off, she wanted his attention, she didn’t want to have to share it.

“Brooke and Paige are here, Mads.” Nick said sweetly.

Maddie leaned up and looked behind her. She jumped up and ran to Brooke and Paige and Kelly. Brooke held Maddie in her arms for a few minutes and then Paige accepted a quick hug. Kurt began to scream something, and then the door swung open. Melissa ran out crying and Kurt followed her and down the hall. Kelly and the Hyland girls walked in and saw Mackenzie, unconscious in her bed.

Brooke kissed Mackenzie’s forehead and rubbed her arm. Paige and Brooke hugged Maddie and Nick one last time before walking out with Kelly. Brandon came around the corner right as the Hyland’s left. Nick and Brandon gave each other a guy-hug. Maddie threw her arms around Brandon’s neck.

“Thank you for coming,” Maddie whispered.

“I’d be stupid not to come.” Brandon whispered.

He saw Mackenzie and then left a few minutes later. Maddie decided to leave Mackenzie in Nick’s watchful eye. Maddie needed to get something in her stomach now that she had calmed down. She walked down the nearly deserted hallway. Her shoes made a slight tapping sound on the white tile floor. She grabbed a snack from the vending machine, a honey bun. As she turned, she saw the familiar face of Luke, from school.

He was sitting in a chair in the hallway next to a woman, who Maddie assumed was his mom, and a doctor. The doctor said something, stood up and walked away. Luke buckled over and cried. Maddie turned her head to the side. She tried to figure out what could’ve been wrong. Maybe a broken toe or something? Maybe his brother or someone else got hurt?

Luke stood up and screamed, “I don’t want this to happen anymore!”

“Luke,” His mom said sternly.

Luke ran off down the hallway that Maddie was standing in, crying. He turned the corner, so Maddie decided to follow him. He stood at a wall, leaning against his forearms. He turned around and slid down the wall as Maddie approached him. Maddie slid down the wall and sat with him.

“Hi.” She said.

He looked up and smirked, “Hi there.”

“What’s wrong?” Maddie asked, still not looking at Luke.

“Everything, really…” He trailed off. “Have you ever wanted something so bad and it just didn’t happen?”

Maddie nodded her head, “Yeah.” She was lying. Maddie usually always got what she wanted. She got what she wanted, and if she didn’t get something she wanted, it just meant she didn’t want it enough.

“I’ve always wanted to dance, and now my dad won’t let me.” Luke said.

“The doctor is your dad?”

Luke nodded, “He says I have to be a lawyer, but Maddie, I don’t want to be a lawyer. I want to sing and dance and be a star. I wanna sign autographs at the end of the show and be able to Google myself like you can.”

“It’s not all that it’s cracked up to be,” Maddie said, thinking back to the Facebook page. “There’s more hate than good when you Google of Facebook yourself.”

“I could only imagine.” Luke said. “I’m sorry, again, about your sister.”

“It’s okay,” Maddie said. The hallway was quiet for a few moments before Maddie spoke up again. “Can I tell you something?”

“Sure,” Luke said.

Maddie took a deep breath in and said, “Today is the first day I’ve visited my sister. I mean, with school and dance, it’s been hard trying to come see her. Wednesday’s are my only days off, but…” Maddie got shaky. She looked at Luke for the first time with blood shot, tear-filled eyes. “She looks terrible. She’s black and blue from head to toe and her head is all bandaged up and she’s not breathing on her own…”

Luke pulled Maddie into a hug. Then suddenly a school of doctors and nurses rushed down the hall. Curiously, Maddie and Luke jumped up and followed them. Maddie could hear Nick screaming for her and Melissa.

“I’m sorry Luke!” Maddie hugged the boy quickly and then ran off.

Maddie’s shoes flew off as she ran down the hallway. In her tights, she slipped and slid all over the tile floor as she ran down the hallway to her sisters room. Melissa was bawling as she looked in the window to Mackenzie’s room. Nick and Kurt held Maddie back from running in. Greg hugged Melissa and Maddie bawled as she heard the flat-line scream.

Maddie screamed, “KENZIE!”

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