Chapter 12

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Everyone knew there was something off about Jaime at dinner that night. The Stark family had offered to break their evening fast with the royal family every night and even after Bran's accident, they still did for the sake of hospitality.

Ned was at the table with Rickon, Arya, Sansa and Robb. Catelyn was refusing to leave Bran's side; she had also told Jon to not be in the presence of the royal family and Evelyn was nowhere to be found. Jaime had not seen her since she had left him by the tower almost four days ago. He had seen glimpses of her after breakfast and each day she seemed to look worse. She wasn't eating or sleeping, and it was taking a toll. She was listless and lifeless.... The thing that was keeping her moving was the little string of hope that Bran would wake up.

Tyrion looked over the rim of his cup at his brother who sat opposite him between Cersei and Robb. It wasn't that Jaime was uncomfortable for he had been assigned that seat for every evening meal. No, the thing going on with him was something personal and Tyrion knew it.

Robert excused the idea as Jaime merely being tired or bored. Cersei was slightly puzzled but a part of her told her that most of the things going on in her brother's head nowadays was surrounding Evelyn Stark.

Robb seemed to sense Jaime's discomfort and couldn't quite place it though it intrigued him. Ned noticed but honestly didn't care. It never dawned on him that having postponed Evelyn and Jaime's wedding for a week after the accident would have actually disturbed Jaime. To be honest, Jaime understood the circumstances, but he was slightly impatient. It was just three more days now, but it was weighing on him. Weighing on him that he would soon get the bride of his choice... but at what cost? The possible death of an innocent child?

"How is your brother?" Myrcella inquired softly, asking Arya.

The young Stark shook her head, "no change. Evelyn stays with him all day. She says the Peace Drug will wear off in two days and then we'll know if he'll make it."
"The Peace Drug?" Robert inquired, speaking through mouthfuls.

"Evelyn told me about it," Myrcella explained. "It's a special plant that throws a person into a stabilizing coma that will keep them alive no matter how grave their injury until they can get medical help. It only lasts for about a week though."
"Intriguing," Tyrion mused, "Your daughter is truly talented Lord Stark."
Ned smiled slightly at Tyrion. Honestly, Tyrion was the only Lannister that he could tolerate and had a feeling that the dwarf had a soft spot for children. He had seen it when Tyrion was around his niece and youngest nephew... and even around Arya and Rickon. It comforted him to know that when Evelyn married Jaime, at least one of her new family were decent.

Just then, the door opened and in walked Catelyn with a maid at her elbow, supporting her.

"Catelyn," Ned cried, jumping to his feet, "What's wrong?"
"She is weak my lord," the maid explained, "She hasn't eaten in four days. Lady Evelyn insisted that she come and eat before she collapses."
"Where is Evelyn?" Robb asked, dropping his fork.

The maid smiled, "She is well my lord. She remains with Master Bran. She was the only one who could convince Lady Catelyn to rest. I fear for her my lord. She hasn't rested or eaten either."
The conversation was cut off abruptly by the sound of a chair scraping backwards. All eyes turned to Jaime who had gotten to his feet hastily.

"If you will excuse me Sire," he said, bowing to Robert and then to Ned, "Lord Stark."

Without further explanation, he departed rather hastily. When he was gone, there was a slight silence before Ned ushered Catelyn to her seat and the meal continued.

"What was that all about?" Arya whispered to Robb.

Her brother shrugged and shook his head, "I wouldn't know."
"He has something to do," Tyrion whispered to the two, low enough so that no one else heard, "Did you see the way he left? He was on a mission."
Arya smirked at the Lannister, not really understanding his meaning but Robb did, and he found himself smiling slightly.

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