~Strawberry Milk~

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During your break, you wanted to get something at the vending machine. You were walking down the hall while avoiding the big crowds of other students.

As you got closer to it, you noticed a boy standing in front of it.

You walked closer towards him and the vending machine, he was peeking his head up when he noticed somebody approach him.

He turned around with a big smile on his face, feeling yourself getting lost in his beaming brown eyes that locked with yours. You felt your heart skip a beat as you were taking in the sight of him.

"Sorry! I can't decide, you can go ahead!" He said, his eyes falling on the subtle blush that dusted your cheeks.

"T-thanks," You muttered out.

You were standing in front of the vending machine, quickly pressing the numbers to get your strawberry milk before leaning down and getting it out.

He was leaning down as well as he was looking at your choice, "Hmm... strawberry milk?"

"Uh... y-yeah... I like it." Giving him a small smile before turning around and leaving.

You were cursing yourself. You had the chance to talk to a cute boy, and what do you do? You become a stuttering, blushing mess and leave without saying goodbye.

"She's so cute..." He muttered as he was watching your retreating form.

Looking back at the vending machine when he'd finally decided on something, "strawberry milk!"

As you were sitting in your next class, your mind went to that cute guy you've met, pouting as you didn't even get his name.

"I'm so stupid!" You were mumbling to yourself, cursing your shyness.

"Well, with the way I was behaving, he surely thinks I'm an idiot..." mentally facepalming yourself.

You haven't had the luck to meet him again, not until three weeks later.

During your break, you decided to get yourself something from the vending machine.

As you were walking down the hall, you looked at the people that were in the hall - feeling disappointed when none of those faces belonged to that cute guy.

You were standing in front of the vending machine with a finger on your chin, thinking of what to get.

"Hey, Strawberry milk girl!" A familiar voice exclaimed cheerfully.

You turned your head. Your eyes instantly fell on your vending machine crush.

A big smile was on his face when he greeted you, "Hi!"

"H-hey!" You returned the smile.

"Last time, I didn't even get your name!" He was beaming at you, "I'm Yuu Nishinoya!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)" Smiling at him as you introduced yourself.

You were just standing there, looking at him - not understanding how someone can be this cute and hot at the same time.

Once you remembered the reason why you came to the vending machine, you quickly turned around - pressing the buttons before you reached down to grab your strawberry milk.

You turned around and smiled at him, unwrapping the straw and taking a sip.

You moved to the side to let him get his stuff, watching him get the same drink as you.

When you looked at you, he noticed your gaze, which was still on the strawberry milk he got himself.

"You have good taste!" He took a big sip out of this, "This is really good!"

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