Part 1: Fanboy

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Third person POV

Midoriya sighed as he stepped up to the dorm building of UA High School. It wasn't as big as he anticipated it would be, especially since he'd be sharing it with his whole class, but nevertheless- It would all work out. He pulled his suitcase alongside him, making a rumbling sound on the brick beneath it. Leaving their parents would be difficult for all the students but living in the dorms would be the best way to ensure their safety. UA couldn't handle another situation like last time so the faculty decided that this was the best option. Though, even with the increased safety, all the students were still on edge- especially the class of 1A. It didn't get in the way too much, though.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka said as she came up behind Midoriya and planted a kiss on his cheek. "What do you think of these new dorms? Pretty cool, right?"

A suitcase- slightly smaller than Deku's- was trailing behind her and she had a slight bounce in her step as they walked hand in hand. The two had been dating for a couple weeks now and it only added to her excitement for them to all be moving into one building together. More time with her friends and boyfriend? It was perfect! Deku had his own small doubts about them all sharing one space together but nothing to unsettle him too much. This would be good for them- both his relationship with Uraraka and his classmates. Maybe Kacchan would even stop tormenting him so much. Speak of the devil-

"Watch it, Deku!" the fiery blonde shouted as he strode past Midoriya, black duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Bakugou purposely rammed his shoulder into the shorter boy's but acted as if it weren't his own fault. Just another day in the life of their strange little rivalry. Sigh... boys.

"U-uh, sorry, Kacchan!" Deku sputtered out as he regained his balance. There was no use in talking back to him; it always ended in them fighting, anyway.

"You need to stand up to him!" Uraraka said. She hated seeing her boyfriend get walked all over by that jerk. None of their classmates could figure out the reason for their constant arguing. The general consensus was that Bakugou was just a hothead- and they were mostly right.

"It's okay. It's just Kacchan," the freckled boy smiled. After all, their fighting has been going on for his entire childhood; he was used to it by now.

They made their way into the building where everyone was already gathered. There was a common area on the first of five floors equipped with a kitchen, couches, multiple TVs and laundry rooms. It was perfectly spacious as demonstrated by Kaminari and Mina who were bouncing around the room to investigate all the amenities. Kaminari already broke a potted plant and Iida was scolding him for it.

"You need to be more careful-!" The two of them were trying to conceal their giggles while the class representative stood before them, shaking his arms wildly.

"This place is like a mansion!" Uraraka exclaimed as she spread her arms out, letting go of her suitcase. "There's so much room!"

"Think of all the weird shit we can make in the kitchen," Kirishima added while investigating the contents of the fridge. Iida rushed over to prevent anymore wreckage. Left on their own, the class of 1A would absolutely destroy this place.

"Fellow students!" he said. "It is in our best interest to keep these dorms tidy and well kept! I will assign everyone specific laundry days so the washers don't get backed up and you will also be given individual chores to take care of."

The class collectively groaned. They were barely there for five minutes and their fun was already being crushed. Iida was cool and all but he could sometimes be a fun-crusher. He was a model student, after all. It was somewhat his job.

"There will also be weekly room checks," Aizawa noted as he walked in and joined them. "All of the class will partake in this so unless you want to be seen as a slob in front of your friends, I suggest you clean. Other than that I... don't really care. Don't burn the place down."

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