Part 11: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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This fic isn't dead I promise


Third Person POV

Todoroki couldn't sleep. His mind was buzzing. It was ablaze with images of Deku dancing across his vision. His freckles, smile, laugh. Oh, jeez. This was becoming obsessive. It was obsessive. In some ways, he felt wrong for thinking about Deku so much. He had other things to think about, obviously. Like... school and... you know, other stuff. Deku was an important part of his life now but that's all he was- a part. 

At least that's what he told himself. 

The flustered boy pulled the pillow out from underneath his head and smushed it atop his face. Not that it really did anything- he was still thinking about Midoriya. It's just that Todoroki couldn't remember being this happy- this excited- in so damn long. Midoriya made him flustered, and awkward, and unsure, and happy. It probably wasn't healthy placing all of his emotional well-being onto another person but Todoroki couldn't care less. 


Midoriya was sitting on the edge of his bed, bouncing his leg up and down. The events that occurred mere minutes ago still flashed through his mind. The reality of it all still hadn't really set in. It was surreal, to say the very least. Don't get him wrong- he was thrilled. Beyond thrilled. He was just nervous, as one often is. Or are they? He wasn't really sure. There was an awful lot to think about in regards to their relationship. After all, they were still in school- they were classmates. On top of that, they lived with the rest of said class. As previously and oh-so emphatically emphasized, secrets here were near-impossible to keep and something as involved as a relationship wasn't easy to conceal. 

Of course, not that Midoriya was trying to conceal their relationship. Not intentionally at least. He was excited to tell his friends. He wanted them all to know. Todoroki meant a lot to him and he wanted the world to know that. Well, maybe not the world. Scale it back a bit. For now, just the two of them was enough. They knew and that's what was important. Midoriya took a deep breath and laid back on his bed, legs still dangling over the side. His hands folded neatly over his lap and he stared up at the ceiling. He bit his bottom lip as his eyes struggled to adjust to the bleak darkness that was his dorm room ceiling. Ominous butterflies- moths, if you will- fluttered in the pit of his stomach. 


Todoroki flipped over so the side his face was pressed into the aforementioned pillow and he was laying on his stomach. He smiled a dopey grin to no one in particular. God, he was so damn lucky. He knew he didn't deserve this- he knew that- but gosh, did it feel nice. It felt nice to be wanted. It felt nice to be cared for. There couldn't possibly be anything wrong in the world as long as the two of them were together. 

He snaked his arms underneath his pillow and hugged it close to him. The clock edged its way towards 11:00 but sleep eluded the boy. They had school tomorrow and he'd need to get some rest if he didn't want to be a burnt-out zombie in the morning. Todoroki couldn't risk showing up late to class again, either. Aizawa would kill him, or worse- he'd be expelled. Then his father would surely kill him.

And with the threat of immediate death looming over him, Todoroki drifted into a fear-induced sleep. Soft snores echoed throughout his room. I wish I could say the same for Midoriya. Poor thing. 


"Look who decided to show up," Bakugou hummed upon seeing Midoriya enter the classroom a whole hour after class started. Kirishima shot the blond boy a pointed look. The redhead's expression quickly softened once he saw the state that Midoriya was in. In fact, the whole class either seemed to regard him with pity or concern. Man, did the kid look tired. Todoroki gave him a loving smile which the freckled boy barely had time to process before Aizawa spoke up. 

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