Part 9: Treading the Sea of Vines

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Chapter titles are fun to name. That's all. 


Third Person POV

Midoriya turned the shower on, letting it run for a few seconds to get hot. He stripped off his uniform and stepped in, letting warm droplets roll down his skin. Steam began to cloud up the mirror and condense on the other surfaces of the bathroom. It gave the shower a foggy appearance, as mist would while rising off of a lake. He lathered shampoo into his curly mess of hair and worked some of the bubbles down his arms. The shower shut off and the boy stepped out, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it snuggly around his waist. 

He traced his finger along his freckles and smiled in the mirror, thinking about his night with Todoroki. The sunset had been overwhelmingly gorgeous and the atmosphere had felt so calming. His heart was pounding and he blushed at the thought of getting to do that again. He felt a wave of butterflies in his stomach while stepping out into his bedroom, his mind constantly lingering back to Todoroki. The boy was like a magnet attracting all of Midoriya's attention to him. 

Moonlight was shining through his windows, dimly lighting the otherwise dark room. It cast some slightly unsettling shadows on his plethora of All Might posters. Midoriya gently hummed to himself as his feet softly danced their way across the wooden flooring. A muffled ding sounded throughout his room, waking him from his late evening trance. He pinpointed the location and began to dig through the pockets of his pants that had been discarded to the floor. 

Picking up his phone, he squinted at the bright light it emitted. His heart leaped in his chest the tiniest bit when he realized who it was. The boy's eyes could make out the name Shoto Todoroki before he dimmed the screen. 

"Oh," he muttered, "he's probably wondering about the pictures."

Midoriya unlocked his phone and tapped messages, reading over the surprisingly brief text. No- if you were wondering- it wasn't about the pictures. And honestly, it was quite vague. 

Shoto Todoroki (9:27 PM): Meet me at the bench


"I need your help." Jiro looked up at Todoroki, confused as to why he was at her room at this hour. Especially since he was asking for help. What does this helpless idiot need? 

She internally groaned but cracked her door open more and let him walk in. "What do you need?" she asked with a hint of irritation laced in her words. It was almost 9:30, sorry if she wasn't in the mood for socializing. 

The boy took a seat at the chair sitting in front of Jiro's keyboard and placed his head in his hands. Todoroki's body sagged as he allowed his composure to deteriorate completely. Small, gentle flames licked across his hair and shoulder. That kid was a walking fire hazard. Jiro tapped her foot on the ground and glanced around her room, waiting for Todoroki to say something. After all, it was his problem; he could speak first. 

"I really like Izuku." 

Ohhhh. Jiro perked up at this instantly, excited to help out Todoroki with his love life. She sat herself on the edge of her bed and leaned forward. Hearing from both sides of this disastrous relationship built sturdily on a foundation of mutual pining was the highlight of her day.  

"Alright. Tell me what happened. Did you kiss? Details, details."

"No," he mumbled dejectedly. "We went out to work on that math project and got sidetracked while watching the sunset. He looked so damn cute in the light and then he hugged me and I- I felt like I was going to word vomit? I was this close," Todoroki said while nearly pinching his fingers together, "to telling him how I feel for him but chickened out. I wanted to spill all of my stupid guts out. I just-" 

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