Intro + Author's Note

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Hey folks! Welcome!

As I'm sure you can already see, this is a Tododeku fic. If you don't vibe with that ship then don't read it. Simple as that. I don't tolerate ship shaming here (unless you ship Deku x All Might, you fucking satanist. I will most definitely shame you for that). So please be respectful of people's ships! I myself am a multi-shipper but I like the dynamic of Todoroki x Deku the most so I decided to write this story about our lovely gay babies.

Also!!! I have a plot layed out for this story but if there is anything you want to see in partuclar then I might try to weave it in if I can. This is a work in progress and I'm always open to suggestions!

Lastly, I am a student. I have stuff and shit to do outisde of writing fanfiction. As much as I wish I could just do this all day, I can't. This is my lengthy way of saying that my updating schedule might not always be consistent. I reread and revise these chapters multiple times before I post them and a lot of care goes into them. Writing is a process and it's a process that can sometimes take a while so just bear with me here.

Ok I'm done now :')

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