Coming with Irene

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Darkness had now took over the country and lights from the city shined brightly in the streets. Wendy looked at her phone once again and started at Irene's number. What will she say to her?

A little fact that she's been sitting on the balcony for an hour and she still couldn't type a single word in the texting area. She released, one, deep, sigh and looked at the city below. The hotel wasn't that high but it's high enough to see the beautiful night sky and the busy city below. She wondered if she could see Irene from here.

She then closed her phone and puts it on a small, circular, table placed in front of her.

"You've been here for an hour." a voice suddenly appeared from behind Wendy, alarming her that it was Seulgi who's speaking. "What were you doing here?" asked Seulgi with a curious gaze. Wendy shrugged and leaned against the chair.

"Nothing, just watching the nice view from here." Wendy said as she gave her a small grin. "I know you're staying here for messaging that woman." Seulgi sat opposite Wendy, giving her a smirk. Wendy froze on her spot and gulped nervously.

"H-How did you know?!" Wendy almost yelled, looking like she wanna kill herself. The bear quirked her brow and sighed.

"You really don't remember? You literally told me about it!" responded Seulgi, rolling her eyes a little. "You sure are an idiot." sighed Seulgi while giggling softly at the thought.

The bear got startled right after her friend abruptly stood up from her seat and stomped her way back to the bedroom. Seulgi stood up next and tilted her head slightly. "Is she alright?" questioned Seulgi as she crossed her arms and released an exhausted sigh.

"Ugh! Why?" Wendy lied down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling hopelessly. She still hasn't found any idea to talk to Irene. 'Wendy, Irene is just a normal person so talk to her casually!' instructed her mind. "I know but she wasn't a normal person. She actually looked like a real goddess." Wendy answered with a wistful voice.

"So that's  why I couldn't talk to her properly in person." explained Wendy with a slightly hopeless voice. She took her phone, which is placed beside her, and looked at the screen for a while.

"A 'hello' won't hurt, right?" peeped Wendy as she began to type on the screen with reluctant hands.

That actually took her more than a minute to type a 'hello' when it's time for her to press the 'Send' button.

Wendy flinched at it at first and puts her phone beside her, trying to breathe some fresh air.

"Alright, this is your final decision, Wendy." Wendy sighed as she looked at her phone once again. As she pressed the button, her heart stopped after seeing Irene immediately reading her message.

'Damn, she's active.' thought Wendy when her phone suddenly rang loudly on her hand.

The hamster immediately answered the call with trembling hands.


"Oh, hey, Wendy!" Irene smiled as she ran to the couch from the kitchen and lied down there. "So this is your number, huh?" asked Irene as she looked behind her back to check if the Tteokbokki is doing well.

"Yes," answered Wendy as she checked the bedroom if Seulgi is hiding somewhere in the area. "Anyways, I wanna tell you something." chirped Irene. "I was wondering if we could meet up in my restaurant. I really want to talk to you." said Irene as a long pause came after that. Wendy cleared her throat and opened her mouth to speak. "W-Well..." paused the hamster as she sighed silently.

"Sure! When will I go there?" questioned Wendy.

Irene leaned against the couch and puts her cutely sniffed her sweater from the collar. "Hmm, anytime.

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