The Dark Side Of Her

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After another 15-minute trip to their last destination and it's Burkliplatz. It's a boat dock with a marketplace, art area and event site with a view of Lake Zurich. They all went out of the car and stared at the lake with smiles on their faces(except Joy) while Irene looked at her watch once again.

"Good! We're here just in time!" grinned Irene as Seulgi quickly took out her phone and pictured the place. "There are also art made of flowers." Irene told Wendy while walking towards a place full of colorful flowers.

"They're beautiful," Wendy smiled as she took her camera from her messenger bag and took a picture of the flowers.

"Irene?" Wendy called Irene. The girl turned her head at her and gave her a raised brow. "Yes?" asked Irene as Wendy stayed quiet for a while. "C-Can I take a picture of you with the flowers?" Wendy asked her reluctantly.

Wendy really thought that she sound awkward but, instead, Irene gave her a sincere smile.

"Sure!" chirped Irene as Wendy suddenly felt her heart pounding fast in excitement. "Th-Thanks," Wendy pursed her lips cutely and took a picture of Irene.

* * *

"I'm so happy today," Wendy happily skipped towards the dinner table with a beam on her face. Seulgi quirked her brow and brought the meal in the dining table. "Why?" Seulgi chuckled a little after hearing what Wendy had told her.

"I said I'm feeling bright today." Wendy wiggled her brows with a cute smile.

Seulgi looked at her and gave her a questioning look after scooping some dumpling stew on her bowl. "Why are you happy?" asked Seulgi as Wendy suddenly frowned.

"You don't want me to be happy?" Wendy asked her with her eyes widened. Seulgi shook her head and fed herself some dumplings.

"I didn't mean by that but what I mean is that what makes you happy today?" Seulgi asked her as she stuffed her mouth with some more dumplings. "I took a picture of Irene," smirked Wendy as Seulgi choked on her food.


"I said I took a picture of Irene in Burkliplatz." Wendy repeated as Seulgi took some time to chew and gulp on her food.

"Don't tell me you're in love with her." gurgled Seulgi as she coughed while Wendy grimaced a little at her friend. "No, I just admire her." Wendy said dreamily as she took her chopsticks from the table and started to eat the stew.

"Gosh, Wendy," Seulgi clicked her tongue as she continue to eat some more dumplings.

There was silence for a whole minute when Seulgi turned her head to look at Wendy.

"Will you give me some more dumplings?" Seulgi questioned a little hesitantly with her brows furrowed. Wendy grimaced and slid her bowl a little farther from Seulgi.

She then craned her neck closer to Seulgi and said: "No,"

Seulgi pouted and rolled her eyes irritably. "Fine. we're not friends anymore." Seulgi grimly told her as Wendy chuckled and smacked her head. "Wash the dishes. I'll be taking a bath," Wendy said as she left her empty bowl in the table and walked towards the bedroom.

The bear sighed and crossed her arms with a grumpy pout. "No manners!" Seulgi yelled and pouted again like a kid.

Inside the bedroom, Wendy is currently taking her clothes from her closet when her phone rang at the bed. She closed her closet and took some time to look at the phone.

"Irene?" Wendy asked as a smile formed on her lips. With excitement blooming inside her, she took her phone and answered it.


Sweetest ThingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora