Blooming Feelings

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Wendy's mind was on fire now. She doesn't know what's really happening to Irene when she heard the door open. Finally, Seulgi entered the hotel room with a dozen plastic bags on both of her arms.

"Hey, Wen, mind helping me here?" asked Seulgi as Wendy immediately stood up from the couch and helped her friend out to carry all of the plastic bags inside the room.

"How's staying with Irene?" panted Seulgi as Wendy grinned brightly. "Fine, she really likes it here." smiled Wendy, which is true. They are actually having a good conversation together in the couch.

"Good, I was worried that the hotel room isn't her type. It's kinda small though," Seulgi told her as she and Wendy brought the plastic bags on the kitchen. "Anyways, Wen," Seulgi paused as Wendy looked at her while putting the stuff in there places.

"Joy came around in the grocery store and told me to tell you this." Seulgi paused again while Wendy continued doing her business.

"She asked you if you could date with her tomorrow in the Swiss Alps." Seulgi told her as Wendy stopped. A date? With Joy?

But Wendy doesn't like Joy in the very beginning. "W-Well, sure!" Wendy smiled at Seulgi with hesitance. Seulgi quirked her brow at her, looking at her friend with suspicious eyes.

"Do you really want to date with Joy?" asked Seulgi as Wendy nodded furiously with another bright but fake smile. "Of course!" Wendy chuckled as she scratched her head. Seulgi sighed and crossed her arms, now looking at her friend with a serious look.

Wendy dropped her fake, bright smile and sighed heavily.

"Fine, I don't want to date with her." confessed Wendy as Seulgi tapped her foot on the ground, still looking at her friend with a serious gaze.

"Alright," shrugged the bear as she continued her job by folding the plastic bags. Wendy went near her ear and whispered, "You don't like her?"

Seulgi stopped folding the plastic bags and nodded eagerly. Wendy got a little shock at the answer. "Well, I don't like her because she's quite arrogant. I don't like on how the way she speak and act to other people." whispered Seulgi as she took the last plastic bag and folded it.

"Especially to Irene," added Seulgi as Wendy gasped incredulously but softly.

"Really?" asked Wendy as Seulgi nodded coolly. "Don't you notice while Irene is touring us around Lake Zurich? She really hates Irene. Like real hatred," Seulgi lowered her voice a little more, making sure Irene won't hear them.

"But why?" asked Wendy as Seulgi shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure but maybe because she's jealous." Seulgi murmured as Irene suddenly came in the kitchen.

"Morning," Irene cutely yawned as the two looked at the bunny and gave her a beam. "How's your sleep?" asked Wendy as Irene rubbed her eyes while giving her a thumbs up.

"Fine," replied Irene as she opened the fridge and took the milk. "I'll be having some of your milk, alright?" said Irene as they both nodded before turning their backs at her. "You know what? Let's just fix these stuff first." Seulgi whispered as Wendy nodded and said, "You're right," before doing their business.

After fixing the stuff in the kitchen, Irene cooked some seaweed soup for the three of them while Seulgi is doing the laundry in the laundry room. Meanwhile, Wendy was just staring at Irene's back with a dreamy gaze.

"You know how to cook?" asked Wendy as Irene looked over her shoulder and chuckled.

"Yup, I learned them from my co-workers in my restaurant." answered Irene as Wendy leaned against her chair and crossed her arms.

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