Her Strange Behavior

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They had fun with the musicians in the balcony and even tried their instruments. Wendy even wanted to learn yodeling from the guy who she watched minutes ago and immediately knew how to do so, which made Seulgi awestruck.

After a ride back down to the town of Interlaken, they stopped for a minute in front of the Harderbahn station to rest. Irene changed her mind about her plan to ride a bus to their next destination and told them that they'll have to walk instead. "Aw, why?" whined Seulgi, now squatting on the ground with another bar of chocolate.

Wendy shot her a look of dislike when Irene told her that she just wanted to. Wendy didn't even mind even when her legs started to ache because she 'respect' Irene's plan.

Unfortunately, Seulgi continued to complain about her legs burning and told Irene to ride a bus instead. Irene felt concerned to the bear and changed her plan once again. "Okay then, so we'll ride a bus instead." grinned Irene, looking left and right if there are any buses.

Seulgi stood up and tried to stretch her legs when she caught Wendy giving her the same look.

The bear sighed and crossed her arms. "What?" She asked, looking a little annoyed at her friend. Wendy shook her head and saw a bus stopping in front of them.

"Let's go now! We're going to rest for a bit in a park!" bubbled Irene as she quickly went inside the bus. Wendy and Seulgi followed her and all three of them sat on the nearest chairs.

"Thank you so much, Irene." heaved Seulgi as soon as she sat down beside Irene. "No problem," responded Irene in a cute manner. "I could finally rest my legs." whispered Seulgi while releasing a satisfied smile.

Irene looked at her watch and checked the time. "What time is it?" Wendy questioned her while looking out of the window. "Well, 10 AM," answered Irene. "So, anyways, you already told us that you visit Korea every year when you're little, right?" Seulgi gave her a curious look while Irene nodded calmly.


"Where do you live in Korea?"

"Oh, in Daegu." smiled the bunny. "Daegu?" Wendy asked her with wide eyes. Seulgi glanced at her friend and smirked mischievously. "Do you want to go there?" whispered her friend. But Wendy ignored her and looked out of the window.

"We're here!"

They went out of the bus and paid the driver before getting off. "Here we are! This is Höhematte Park!" grinned the girl while Wendy and Seulgi roamed their eyes around the area. "Look! There are paragliders here!" Seulgi pointed upwards, which made Wendy follow.

"Yup! You can do paragliding here!" grinned Irene. They all entered the park and saw a vast, green, area full of only grass. "We can have a walk or maybe just take pictures from here if you want! We're just here to rest, after all." shrugged the girl . Seulgi quickly took out her phone and took a picture of a paraglider.

Wendy was watching the other paragliders above when she noticed Irene adorably examining the flowers with her brows slightly furrowed and her lips pursed. She chuckled and walked towards her, trying not to startle her

"Do you like flowers?" Wendy asked Irene while walking behind her. Irene stopped and turned to her.

"Yeah," smiled Irene in an ethereal way. "But the one that I really like is the Edelweiss." added Irene while staring at the colorful flowers from the tall flower bush. "What kind of flower is that? I haven't heard of them before." said Wendy, avidly looking at Irene. "Well, they can only be seen in the peek of a mountain." began Irene.

"They look unique to other flowers. They're just beautiful," sighed Irene while hiding her hands behind her back, still examining the flowers in front of her. "So they are on top of mountains..." murmured the latter, her fingers fiddling her lips. "Have you already seen them in real life?" Wendy questioned her again.

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