Chapter 4

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After creeping my way down the long set of stairs, I came upon a large living room that contained all the others I saw when I first got here. Toby was the first one to spot me, jumping up and running towards me with his arms open while yelling "CRRRIIIMMMMSSSSOOONNN". When he reached me I was again lifted off the ground in another infamous 'life getting squeezed out of you' Toby hug. Laughing while slightly gasping for air I hugged him back and said, "Hey Tobes. You sure you need those hatchets because you could hug someone to death easily". Causing him to let out a giggle. Hearing a cough behind Toby, I looked up and saw that the others were staring at us with a multitude of expressions ranging from confusion to anger. After a few more seconds, Toby set me down and spun around to face the others "I-Introd-ductions!!" He said loudly while throwing his hands in the air. Masky stood up and began pointing at the others while stating their names. First was the man I called stunning, "That is Jeff", Jeff simply gave me a large smile. Then he pointed at a small Link looking male who looked around 12, "That is BEN, I know what you're thinking and he isn't 12 he's 17" Jeff stated snickering earning the middle finger from BEN. Next he pointed at a tall male with a royal blue mask on, his eyes seemed nonexistent and there was black goo oozing down from them, "That is Eyeless Jack, but we just call him EJ" Ahhh so he DOESN'T have eyes. Makes since. "Next is Laughing Jack or LJ. Don't accept his candy." This earned a pout and crossed arms from a tall, lanky, monochrome clown. "I wouldn't poison herrrr!" LJ whined. Suddenly I felt something lick my hand, causing me to jump into Toby. Jeff bursted out into psychotic laughter at my actions while Masky simply stated, "That's Smile Dog, he's Jeff's dog". Looking down I quickly spotted the resemblance between the two, which was a large, unnatural smile stretched across their faces. Nodding I looked over towards what I assumed was a male in an orange hoodie and black ski mask with red eyes and a red frown sewn  into it. "This is my best friend and fellow proxy, Hoodie!" Masky said suddenly very enthusiastic causing BEN to mumble, "More like your boyfriend", earning a few giggles from other members and a smack to the back of the head by Masky. "Shut up, BEN." Giggling, I looked at Masky "Yanno Masky, you didn't deny it" He simply scoffed and looked at his feet "Whatever" From my left side I spotted a woman in black with a white feminine mask on walking towards me, "Hello, I'm Jane and this is Sally." Looking down I saw a little brown haired girl with a pink dress on and bright green eyes and some blood on her face. Smiling I looked at Jane and replied "Hello Jane" squatting down I smiled at Sally, "Hello Sally, and who is this?" I questioned pointing at the bear in her arms. "Charlie!" She said excitedly. Standing back up I smiled at her and said "He's cute".
"CHILDREN, DINNER!" I heard echo in my head causing me to cringe, noticing my uncomfortable reaction Jeff walked up to me and put his hand on my lower back and whispered in my ear, "You'll get used to it, Doll" then began to lead me toward a room I figured was the dining room. Once in the room, Jeff's hand never left my back as he led me to a chair pulling it out for me causing me to smile. "Thanks" I said, then smirked and looked him in the eyes, "Beautiful" causing his cheeks to become red. "Yeah, you're welcome" he replied flustered, sitting in the chair next to me. Looking at the others staring I raised an eyebrow, "What?". BEN had a shit eating grin on his face when he replied, "Was Jeff just nice to someone? And is he blushing?" This earned a growl from Jeff making me jump, "I wasn't blushing you stupid elf", yet his cheeks were still stained red. A demonic sounding voice piped in, "Whatever you say, Smile Child." Earning laughs from the others. Leaning over to Jeff I whispered, "Which one said that?" Turning to face me, he whispered back quietly "That was EJ, his voice is a bit creepy, even to me and I'm a psychotic killer." Letting out a creepy giggle. Slightly laughing with him I nodded. Again, everyone was silent and staring at us as Slender walked in carrying a bunch of different plates. "What's going on in here, children?" BEN was quick to answer, "Jeff was-" Jeff butted in "Nothing, it was nothing". Slender just stared at him for a moment then began sitting down the plates in front of everyone. Dinner seemed to be steak, potatoes, and green beans, but when I looked around I noticed that LJ had a variety of candy piled on his plate and EJ had what looked to be a couple raw organs on his. Shivering, I poked Jeff's arm and slightly pointed towards EJ, who had at this point moved his mask from his mouth exposing razor sharp teeth, "Uh what is EJ eating?" "Human kidneys, why?" He replied nonchalantly. Tilting my head I just looked at Jeff, "Just curious, thanks again, beautiful", the nickname caused him to choke on the drink of water he was taking making him cough out, "Yeah, of course. Anytime Doll." Before I knew it dinner was over and everyone was either lounging in the living room, in their rooms, or out killing. "Hey Crimson, Slender would like to speak with you" a gruff voice said from behind my seat on the couch. Slightly turning I spotted Masky staring at me, waiting on a response. "Okay Masky, lead the way." I replied, getting up. "Tim" I heard leave the mask man's mouth. Confused, I looked at him, "huh?" He shrugged and gruffly mumbled, "My name is Tim, you can call me it if you want." Smiling in reply I nodded, "Okay, Tim." And began following him down a long hall near the stairs.

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