Chapter 5

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After walking down the long hall for a few minutes we approached two large doors, which Masky walked up to and knocked on. "Come in, children" I heard Slenders deep voice say to us. Opening the door, Masky let me in while following close behind after shutting the doors. "Crimson, I have decided that I would like for you to become one of my proxies much like Toby, Masky, and Hoodie. Would you like to become one also?" Slender questioned. Nodding, I replied, "I would love to Slender." With a slight nod, Slender stood up from his chair and stood at his full, intimidating height. One of his tentacles slowly came towards me and light grabbed my left wrist, I looked at him in a questioning manner. His cheekbones raised in a smile, "Do not fret, child. I am simply going to put my mark on you to seal the deal, it will only cause slight discomfort for a moment. Nodding, I held out my wrist as the tip of the tentacle lightly touched it. I felt a slight pinch then severe burning causing me to gasp, but I didn't dare move. I looked over towards Masky whose mask was moved away from his mouth exposing a reassuring smile. I smiled back at him and looked back at Slender who was gently removing his tentacle from my skin, in its place was a simple circle with an X in the center of it. "Get some rest, child. Tomorrow you will have your first mission." I smiled up at him and replied, "Yes sir Slender, thank you." I then turned on my heel and exited the office with Masky close behind. When we eventually reached the living room, everyone was sitting around talking with each other, only silencing when they spotted us. "What did Slender want to talk to you about?" I heard BEN ask in a curious tone. I gently held up my wrist to the group exposing the mark, this simple gesture caused a bunch of gasps to erupt throughout the room. Jeff was the one to break the now awkward silence, "Looks good Doll, congrats." He said grinning. I smiled back at him and winked, "Thank you, beautiful." Everyone was gaping at our interaction as BEN began to speak, "Ok, what the fu-" "BENJAMIN!! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" you all heard Slender yell down the hall causing you all to jump and make BEN roll his eyes. "And, children it is time for you guys to go to sleep if you're not planning on going out killing tonight." I heard his voice echo throughout the mansion. "That's my line." I heard Jeff mumble annoyed. Giggling, I hugged Toby and told him goodnight heading to the stairs but not before locking eyes with BEN and smirking. He smirked back as I walked towards Jeff, standing on my tippy toes I kissed his jaw and turned towards the stairs heading up to bed.

(Jeff's POV) (It's Crimson's POV unless stated otherwise)

I didn't even notice Crimson was heading my way until, I felt a light kiss being placed on my jaw and watched her walk away. My eyes grew as my jaw dropped and I'm pretty sure my face was as red as Slender's tie. "Ooooo Jeffy has a crushhh!!" I heard BEN's annoying voice taunt. "Shut up BEN, no I don't." I growled out at him but his high ass just kept smirking at me. The others were murmuring and laughing about what just happened which really pissed me off. "Screw you guys, I'm going out. Don't wait up" I grumbled as I walked out the door and towards a nearby neighborhood.
After walking for about an hour I came upon a white, two story house and decided that the humans inside would be my victims. I began to walk around the house to spot the easiest way in, and low and behold one of the idiots left a window open on the first floor. Silently, I crept up to the window and glanced in. Inside I spotted a table and fridge, Who just leaves a kitchen window open?  I thought to myself. Shrugging to myself I quietly climbed into the window, and stood fully up to look around. I spotted a picture on the wall and glanced at it to see if I could get an idea of how many victims and age ranges. The photo contained a mother, father, a boy who seemed about 13, and a baby who looked to be about  a year old in the mother's arms. Simple enough I said in my head. 
Creeping up the stairs I spotted 4 doors, deciding on the first door on the right I carefully turned the doorknob and stepped in. I spotted two lumps on the bed and came to the conclusion that this was the parents room and pulled out my knife from my hoodie pocket. I walked towards the bed and smashed my hand over the mother's mouth so she couldn't scream. Her eyes flew open in horror at my beautiful face, causing me to widen my already cut in grin. I held my knife to my lips in a 'Shhh' motion as tears began to well up in her eyes, pathetic. I swiftly slid my knife across her throat and watched as she choked on her own blood. It was almost as beautiful as me. After I was sure she lifeless I walked around the bed to the father who was still deep asleep and oblivious to his dead wife at his side. I bent down and looked at his face, he needs to be smiling. I carefully pushed him to his back as to not wake him up just yet, I straddled him and poked his sleeping face with the tip of my knife. "Wakey, wakey" I menacingly whispered.  His eyes flew open just as I embedded my knife into his chest for the first time. He gasped in obvious shock and tried to push me off, but I didn't even move an inch with his weak attempts and continued to plummet my knife into him until I was drenched in blood and his eyes were lifeless. Smiling, I stood up off the bed and carved a smile into his cheeks and then went around to his wife to repeat the process. Satisfied with my work I walked towards the door to find the next member of the family.

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