Chapter 7

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(Crimson's POV)

I was sitting at the table eating breakfast while chatting with Toby when Jeff walked in with a small child on his hip. Everyone went silent as he filled up a sippy cup with milk and handed it to her until he turned around and said to ask away, that's when Slender's interrogation began. After the interrogation, Jeff carefully sat in his chair next to me with Thana on his lap and began to fill up his plate from the breakfast dishes lining the center of the table. I watch as her attempted to eat over Thana and feed her a little at the same time. "Uh hey Jeff would you like me to hold her and feed her while you eat breakfast? I'm finished anyways." I questioned him. He looked in my direction with a soft smile and nodded in appreciation, "Please, Doll that would mean a lot" he quietly said as he handed her over to me. She whined a little and reached for Jeff but he just patted her head and continued to eat as I spooned small bites of yogurt into her mouth. I could hear the others quietly cooing at the small girl and smiled down at her. She was absolutely adorable. Once she had her fill she began to wiggle wanting down, so I set her on the floor and watched as she walked towards and a maskless EJ occasionally wobbling. Once she got to his chair she tugged at his black sweat pants causing him to look down at her making us all hold our breaths, even Slender. Thana just smiled brightly at EJ with her few teeth and help up her arms to him wanting to be picked up. Carefully, he lifted her into his lap and continued munching on a kidney as she stared up at him. Noticing the silence he looked up at the others and was met with a bunch of large smiles, Jeff's of course being the largest. "What?" He questioned. He of course was met with a chorus of shrugs and "nothings". Scoffing he finished his last kidney and patted Thana on her head before setting her back on the floor and walking out of the kitchen. I watched as she got back up and looked around as if trying to decide on who to go to next, to my surprise she wobbled to Hoodie and held up her arms to him. He looked a little taken back but nonetheless picked her up and sat her in his lap awkwardly. Grinning, she reached for his cheesecake and poked her finger into it quickly retracting it and placing it into her mouth. A small smile overcame Hoodie's exposed mouth as he grabbed his fork and took a bite himself then getting a small piece on the fork and offering it to Thana who opened her mouth happily. After a couple bites she again started to wiggle to get down so Hoodie lightly sat her on her feet on the floor and watched her practically run to Slender who looked down at her. At this, I watched as Jeff froze and watched the small child he had already become attached to. Slender slowly lowered a tentacle and lifted the girl near his face in which she poked where his eyes would be with a confused tilt to her head. Suddenly, a low laugh left Slender, causing everyone to jump and put their full attention on the tall man and small human.  He carefully flew her around like a plane with his tentacle earning cute giggles from Thana. After a few minutes she stopped and looked at Jeff and reached for him and practically yelled, "Daddy!" Causing us to all freeze and Jeff stared at her in shock slowly lifting up his arms for her. Slender carefully placed her in Jeff's arms as the smile child's eyes began to water. Looking up at me he whispered nearly in tears "Did you hear that, Doll, she called me daddy." Giggling I looked back at him and replied, "I did, it was adorable." BEN took this moment to pipe up quite loudly, "I'm still confused. Jeff's a dad now? Is that a good idea because it was like a week ago that he lost his knife for like 5 hours." Glaring up at BEN, Jeff growled out, "I didn't lose it elf, you stole it and hid it. I'm not going to lose Thana." Throwing his hands in the air, BEN grumbled out a "Fair enough" as he got up and left the room probably to play video games.
Slender stood and began collecting plates as I stood up to go look for Toby because we have a mission together later today. As I was walking out a heard a small voice say, "Mommy". I froze and then slowly spun around to meet Jeff's wide eyes and shocked expression. "Uhm, Jeff did she just... call me mommy?" I mumbled out slowly. He silently nodded still in shock. I simply nodded back and walked towards them, leaning down and kissing Thana's forehead then leaning up a bit to kiss near Jeff's smile causing him to blush. Smiling down at him after I stood back up I pointed behind me and told him I had to find Toby to brief for a mission later. Nodding, Jeff whispered "Okay, Doll, we'll see you later." As I spun around to find Toby I slammed into a hard chest stumbling back, hands flew onto my shoulders to steady me out as I looked up and met bright silver eyes and a black and white coned nose. LJ. "Oh shit, sorry LJ I wasn't watching where I was going. Thanks for the save." I said with a slight grimace. He gave me a wide, sharp toothed smile and giggled out "That's okay Gumdrop, it was just as much my fault." Stepped around me he continued his way into the kitchen as I kept looking for Toby, who I found annoying Tim on the front porch while he smoked a cigarette. "Hey Masky. Hey Masky. Maskyyyy. Heyyyy Maskyyyy. Hey-" he paused when he saw me, "Heyyyyy Crimson!!" He yelled towards me. Tim quickly put out his finished cigarette and mumbled a good luck to me as he fixed his mask and walked back into the mansion. Letting out a groan I walked closer to the hyper proxy and grabbed the front of his goggles letting them go to smack into his face. "Ha! I can't feel pain!" He yelled out as he grabbed my arm and started dragging me into the mansion and into Slender's office to get the file for our mission. After briefing and planning for a couple hours it was time for us to head out. Walking into the living room I spotted Jeff sitting with Thana on the couch watching some colorful children's show and walked up to them. Instantly, Thana started crawling out of Jeff's arms and into my lap repeating "Mommy" over and over again . My cheeks turned red as I noticed the others staring at us with shocked looks. "Dude they're like... a little killer family or something and it's been like what 2-3 days?!" BEN mumbled to Tim who seemed to be laughing at my red face. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my cleaver from the table and slipped on the simple black mask that covered only the lower half of my face that Slender gave me. I looked down at my killing outfit which consisted of a simple dark red hoodie, black skinny jeans, and my white blood splattered Converse. Standing up I leaned over and kissed Thana on the cheek and told her goodnight since by the time we returned she would probably be asleep. I leaned near Jeff's ear and whispered "Just go with what I'm about to do, their reactions will be priceless." Slightly nodding in reply I smiled and slowly leaned forward connected our lips, closing my eyes. His lips were surprisingly soft and the cuts on his cheeks weren't even noticeable as we kissed. Jeff reached up and put the hand that wasn't holding Thana on his lap on my cheek and continued to kiss me softly until we both needed air. "Be my girlfriend?" He whispered barely audible after we separated. Smiling, I leaned forward and pecked his lips mumbling a yes. I watched as his smile grew causing me to smile back. As I stood back up I noticed how silent it was and took in the wide eyes and dropped jaws that surrounded us. With a wink, I grabbed Toby's hood and began to drag him to the door. Before we made it to the door I heard Jeff call out to me, "Hey, Doll, wait up!" Stopping in my tracks I looked behind me and saw Jeff with Thana in his arms walking towards me, he leaned down and kissed my cheek lightly, "We'll see you later, Doll, stay safe and good luck on your first mission." I mumbled a simple thank you with a large smile on my face and watched as he headed upstairs to more than likely lay Thana down for bed. Happily sighing, I continued to drag Toby out the door and into the forest to complete our mission so I could get back home to my..... family.

Jeff The Killer × OC Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang