Chapter 9

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Sorry for all the time skips
*Time Skip 2 months*
(Crimson's POV)
I leaned over the toilet for what felt like the millionth time in the last 3 weeks and puked. Groaning, I decided to go find EJ to see if he could figure out what was wrong with me.  I quickly found him in the strangely empty living room reading a book. "Hey EJ, where is everyone?" Jumping slightly, he looked up at me before replying  "Slender, Sally, and Thana are playing in the woods and the others are out killing. My supply is fully stocked so I had no need to go." Nodding, I decided it was time to ask him,"Hey um, I've been puking out my guts for the past 3 weeks and I was wondering if you could help figure out what was wrong with me?" Carefully he marked his page and set his book on the table, then stood up nodding his head for me to follow. I followed him until we got to the medical wing and carefully climbed onto the bed he pointed at. I watched him mess with a few things before he rolled a machine towards the bed and asked me to pull up my shirt. "I have a hunch about what's wrong but I have to check first." He said. I nodded and pulled up my shirt to the edge of my bra. I jumped as he squirted a cold jelly onto my stomach and started gently pressing a wand looking thing on it sliding it around. He let out a 'hmmm' sound before turning to me, "I was correct with my hypothesis, you're about 2 months pregnant Crim, congratulations." I froze. I'm pregnant?! What will Jeff think?  Noticing my shocked state, EJ carefully wiped off the jell with a towel and helped me sit up. "If you're worried about Jeff you really shouldn't be. He's the one who brought Thana into our lives 2 years ago. I bet he'll be happy." He said calmly. I looked up at him before softly smiling, "You're right. Thank you EJ for everything. Would you mind helping me through the whole pregnancy thing? Like uhm, be my doctor in a way?" I said happily. EJ swiftly removed his mask and exposed a large, shark toothed smile, "I would love to Crimson." He replied hugging me. Hearing a door slam, EJ looked at me and gave me a 'It's now or never look'. Nodding with a sigh I got up and walked towards the door with EJ hot on my trail. Once I made it to the living room, the coppery smell of blood hit my nose causing bile to rise up my throat so I turned and ran down the hall and into the bathroom instantly emptying my already empty stomach into the toilet. I felt someone hold back my hair and rub my back until I was finished. I looked up and saw Jeff looking at me with sympathy in his eyes, "What's wrong Doll? Are you sick? Do you want me to get EJ or Slender?" Smiling lightly I set my hand on his cheek and lightly traced his smile with my thumb before whispering, "Jeff I'm not sick, I'm pregnant." He froze for a second before tears began to build in his unblinking eyes, "Y-you're pregnant with our baby?" He stuttered out. "Yes." I whispered in reply. Suddenly, he picked me up hugging me and kept repeating how happy he was. With that I let out a sigh of relief and hugged him back. Jeff carefully carried me out of the bathroom and into the living room where I heard EJ let out a low laugh before he spoke up, "I told you he'd be happy, didn't I Crim?" I turned and stuck my tongue at him, causing him to scoot over his mask and stick out his creepy, long, black snake like tongue back out at at me making me squeak. He bursted into laughter making the others look over at the usually stotic demon in surprise. Once he calmed down, Toby curiously asked, "What is Jeff happy about?" Jeff set me on my feet before looking at the others and blurted out, "Crimson's pregnant!"
This caused an excited uproar and a small argument over who was gonna be the Godparent. In the middle of the argument EJ decided to pipe in and say something that I'm sure caught us all off guard. "The will actually need to be two Godparents. You're having twins." This news just made Jeff even more excited as he picked me up and kissed me while spinning. After he put me down I felt two small arms wrap around my legs, looking down I saw Thana smiling up at me. "Mommy is it true, am I gonna be a big sister?" She asked excitedly. I nodded as Jeff picked her up and kissed her forehead, "Yes baby, you are!" I replied. Slender suddenly grumbled something about how we're making him feel like a grandpa but he had a smile on his face which was ripped open showing his terrifying teeth. We all bursted out into laughter at his comment and I went over and hugged his legs. Carefully he wrapped a tentacle around my waist and lifted me into his arms hugging me back. "Why doesn't Slender ever hug me?!" I heard BEN grumble. Slender quickly started picking everyone up and pulled us into a messy group hug causing Sally and Thana to erupt into giggles.

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