Chapter 8

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*Time Skip 2 years*
(Jeff's POV)
I smiled as I watched 3 year old Thana playing with Smile in the yard when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Looking down a saw Crimson smiling up at me, smiling back I leaned down and pecked her lips. "She's getting so big." Crimson mumbled out with a pout on her lips. Sighing, I nodded, "I love you, Doll." Looking away from Thana and back up at me she leaned up and kissed my jaw, "I love you too, Jeffrey" she giggled out. Rolling my eyes at the name and letting out a low laugh I looked at her and smirked, " I bet Slender wouldn't mind watching Thana for a bit so we can have alone time." Blushing, she let go of me and mumbled out, "I'll go ask."
A few minutes later, she walked out with a smirk on her face and grabbed my hood dragging me up the flight of stairs into our room that we've been sharing for a year now. Slamming the door behind me and locking it I began to kiss her roughly.
Pushing her against the wall I continued to roughly kiss her while I slid my hands under her shirt, unclipping her bra. I made my way down to her neck and began kissing and sucking on her jugular, earning a breathy moan. After leaving a few hickies on her neck I pulled off her shirt, her bra following shortly after I began to kiss her again, her hands began to pull at the bottom of my hoodie so I slipped it off along with my shirt  breaking apart the kiss for a second. Quickly I lightly slammed her back into the wall, roughly kissing her as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I felt myself getting harder in my jeans to the point it was becoming uncomfortable so I carefully backed up not breaking the kiss and laid her on the bed. I began to kiss down her chest, teasing each nipple for a second with my tongue as she whined in pleasure. I kept making my way down until I got to the waistband of her leggings looking up at her for permission. With a simple nod I was practically ripping off her leggings and panties, diving in between her thighs to get a taste of my beautiful girlfriend. After teasing her with my tongue for a few minutes she let out a loud moan and came onto my tongue, I lapped up every bit I could get before pulling off my own pants and boxers. I lined myself up and kissed her as I pushed in quickly causing her to practically scream in pleasure.
⚠️End Of Lemon⚠️
We made love for hours and were currently cuddled up naked under the blankets. "Hey Crimson..." I quietly said to her. She looked up at me from her place on my chest and mumbled a quiet "yes". Swallowing nervously I looked down at her and carefully reached over to my nightstand, pulling out a small box. "Will you marry me?" I asked nervously and opened the small box showing her a beautiful ring I found at a house while out killing. She flew up and threw her arms around my neck yelling, "YES!" I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding hugged her back nearly crying. I carefully removed the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger, surprised how perfectly it fit. "I love you so much." I mumbled into her messy, white hair as I held her. "I love you more" she whispered back.
An hour later, after we showered and got dressed we headed back downstairs and were met with smirks from the others. "Not. One. Word." Crimson gritted out. BEN suddenly let out a high pitched, girly scream, obviously mocking her. She locked her eyes on him and ran at him, nearly catching his foot as he dived into the tv. Masky stood quickly and grabbed her left hand, bringing it close to his face. "What's this ring for, Crim?" He questioned. Out of all the pastas, her best friends were Toby and Masky, an odd combination if I do say so myself. Blushing, she looked at me and smiled, "Jeff asked me to marry him and I said yes!" The entire room broke out into whoops and hollers of congratulations, causing Slender who was carrying half awake Thana in his arms to walk from his office into the living room. "What's with all the commotion? I nearly had little Thana asleep." A few pastas mumbled "sorry" to Slender while a super excited Toby yelled out, "Jeff and Crimson are engaged!!"
Turning towards me and questioned, "Is that true, Jeffrey?" Smiling widely I happily nodded in reply. "Well, congratulations, children. Have you decided on a date?" I was about to reply with a "No" when Crimson beat me to it with one simple word. "Winter." It was only January now so that gave us about a year to fully plan. Nodding, Slender carefully handed me an asleep Thana and headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I lightly walked up the stairs and into Thana's room which is Crimson's old room and laid her down in the bed, putting her stuffed Slender doll that Jane made her in her arms. Kissing her forehead I walked out leaving the door cracked and walked back downstairs to see everyone surrounding Crimson and ogling at her ring. Shaking my head with a small smile, I walked into the kitchen to ask Slender an important question.
"Hey Slender." I called out causing him to look away from the stove and towards me. "What can I do for you, smile child?" He replied. "Um, I was wondering if you'd do the honors of marrying Crimson and I?" Seemingly taken back my question he froze and looked down to me before smiling, "I would love to, Jeffrey. Thank you." Smiling back I responded, " No, thank you it means a lot." I turned around and went to spend time with my new fiancee and friends.

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