epilogue: the article

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"He broke out on to the scene last year with the smash hit, "Victorious" before suddenly disappearing from the music scene. While you were able to keep up with him on Instagram, Brendon Urie has not reappeared in the music world with any new tracks!

That is until today.

Finally, after a year and a half long wait, Brendon Urie has released a brand new single titled, "New Perspective" under a new name: Panic! At The Disco!

We got the chance to sit down with the rising star and talk about his future career.

Interviewer: Hello Brendon! So nice to finally meet you!

Brendon Urie: Thank you for having me! I'm really excited to be here!

Interviewer: So, where do we begin?

Brendon: (laughs) Oh God, I don't even know! There's a lot to cover I guess!

Interviewer: Agree! Why don't we start off with the name? Panic! At The Disco, correct?

Brendon: (nods) Yup!

Interviewer: So, what is this meaning for you? No solo music?

Brendon: For now, yes. When I first got signed I thought I could do the solo career, but it didn't feel right for me at the moment. So I managed to drag my buddy Spencer onto the drums and as of right now, we are a two man band!

Interviewer: Is there a possibility for more members in the future? Let's say a certain boyfriend on lead guitar?

Brendon: (blushes, laughs) Well, who knows? If Ryan wants to join, I definitely wouldn't mind. Although, I doubt Spencer would be a fan of all the making out!

We even managed to get some details about his relationship with current boyfriend, Ryan Ross.

Interviewer: Do you mind if we ask you a few questions about Ryan?

Brendon: Ask away! He's actually in the corner monitoring me to make sure I don't say anything stupid! Say "hi" babe!

Ryan Ross: (waves) Hi Buzzfeed!

Interviewer: Nice to meet you Mr. Ross! Okay Brendon, spill the tea. How did you two meet?

Brendon: We met through our friend Taylor *Swift* actually! She bumped into Ryan at a bakery one day and immediately befriended him because she thought he was adorable. She's definitely not wrong. (winks at Ryan)

Ryan: You are such a suck up B.

Interviewer: And how did you two finally end up together?

Brendon: At a party I threw for Taylor's single release. Found him snooping around my bedroom like stalker, and I just had to make out with him.

Ryan: Hey! You said all rooms were available!

Brendon: Stalker!

Interviewer: (laughs) And you two have been going strong ever since?

Brendon: Well, besides a major bump or two, yeah! He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I f***ing love him! Oh s***, I'm not supposed to curse! Sorry!

Interviewer: You are perfectly fine! Well, I'm glad to hear you two are doing well! Shall we talk about the single?

Brendon: Hell yes!"

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