{10} Pop Me and We Both Go Down

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(Y/N)'s POV

Walking to the Sub Station to hang out with Max after school was always fun, I adore Max but he's so gullible. Alex managed to convince him to carry her backpack so that he could even out his curved spine.

Walking into the Waverly Sub Station we were greeted by Mrs. Russo, "Hey, how was school?"

Max stumbled into the shop with the backpacks attached to his back and front as I came in from behind him, waving.

"Max, why are you carrying Alex's backpack like that?" Mrs. Russo asked.

"She told me my back pack was bending my spine, so she gave me hers to even it out," Max replied as I facepalmed.

"Let's check!" Alex said, proceeding to take her backpack off Max's front, "There, all straight, you're welcome."

"Alex, your brother's not your pack mule," Mr. Russo said.

Max repeated, "Yeah, I;m not your pack mule."

"I'm sorry, Maxey. Could you take this upstairs for me?" Alex asked.

"Sure," Max replied, walking up the stairs as I followed.

"Can I call you Maxey?" I asked as we walked upstairs.

"Not on your life," Max replied as I laughed.

"Not on your life," Max replied as I laughed

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(Your Outfit)

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(Your Outfit)

The next day, I was back at the Russo household hanging out with Max and eating some snacks when we got roped into helping Justin choose his junior prom tux.

"Guys, which one is better for prom?" Justin asked holding up a black tux jacket and a zebra tux jacket.

Alex walked over and contemplated, "Um, the tux says 'safe boy' but the zebra jacket says 'danger, danger, stay away from my daughter'. Goth girl will like you for that."

But when Justin lowered his jacket choices, the whole family and I were met with a huge pimple on Justin's forehead. We all made different noises of disgust, including me putting down the part of the snack I was eating from gagging.

"You guys can never agree on anything" Justin replied, oblivious to the fact that we were talking about his pimple.

"Yeah, I think we pretty much agree on that's the biggest zit we've ever seen" Alex replied, speaking what we were all thinking.

"What zit?" Justin asked.

I grabbed a silver ladle and handed it to Max, who handed it to Alex, who handed it to Justin. Justin took one look at himself and screamed.

"Okay, uh, well it can't be that big, can it?" Justin asked, "Yeah, maybe the mirror is like a carnival mirror." He then looked at himself and screamed again.

"Oh, you can hardly see it!" Mr. Russo tried to comfort Justin.

"My baby has a zit! Como una montaña!" Mrs. Russo exclaimed, "That means 'like a mountain'."

Max and I looked at each other, nodding, before turning back to Justin.

"This is gonna ruin everything. I can't take Miranda to the prom looking like this!" Justin whined.

Alex countered, "Why not? She does like danger, if you go with that thing she'll never know when it's gonna blow."

Max and I snickered at what she said because she was right but quickly shut up when Mrs. Russo glared at us and went back to eating our snack.

"I'm sure he'll get rid of that thing in time for the junior prom, right?" I asked Max. He nodded in agreement but little did we both know that the pimple would be more trouble than anything.

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