Chapter 5 | 설날

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It had taken a few days to get much traffic to the Bangtan blog, but Hana had been consistent in adding new posts, and they were slowly getting more attention. 

She was watching the posts, and checked her notifications often to see what people said. So far, most people were just looking out of curiosity, their interest in the agency leading them to check out the new trainees. Every so often, someone would comment about their visuals, or show interest in a particular member. 

Every little bit helped, and she quietly hoped it would convince the agency to prioritise the group's debut as soon as they could. 

Jeongguk, surprisingly, had really gotten behind the posts, the shy boy adding his own trainee diaries, and being excited to see when his scheduled posts had been shared. 

Hana had thought his 'Diary of an ordinary trainee' was really cute. 

The agency had sent Jeongguk to Los Angeles for a month the year before to study dance. Seeing his travel photos, complete with the standard palm tree-lined street selfie, made her nostalgic about her own time living there. 

Another post of his compared his dancing at the start of the course, to the video Hana had taken the week before. The improvement was huge over just a few months, and she had offered to take more videos of his progress in future if he wanted to. 

He admitted that he had liked dancing so much once he came back, that he had wanted to leave the group and become a dancer instead. His hyungs hadn't liked that idea much, but had managed to convince him to stay with the incentive of ice cream...

Hana had shaken her head, thinking that the group wouldn't be the same without the youngest member and his sweet tooth. 

She had scheduled posts for most of the other members as well, and they would come out gradually over the next few weeks. One member didn't have any pending posts yet, and Hana couldn't help but feel bad about that. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't something she could control. The managers had called her into the office just a few hours before the first post to let her know about a decision they had made. 

They had agreed between themselves, that Taehyung wasn't going to be shown in any of the photos she posted, and there should be no mention of his name.

At first, Hana had been confused. Why would they hide one of the members? He had already been selected for the group, and his looks, combined with his unique voice and personality, would draw a lot of attention. 

Apparently that was a problem. 

While Hana had just been considering growing awareness of the group, the senior managers were worried that one of the larger agencies would poach him from them, or that the group would lose impact as they had to wait a while to debut. 

She now understood why there had only been six files for the group when she'd first been assigned to them. 

She could see where they were coming from about the impact, but she'd been spending time with these boys for over a month now, and even in that short time, she knew that none of them would leave, not when it would mean abandoning their little family. 

The managers had branded it as Taehyung being a sneak attack, or a secret weapon. 

It didn't matter what they called it, it didn't feel right to Hana as she removed all mentions of him from her drafted posts. She was able to say that they had seven members, but their 'secret seventh member' got no personal introduction, no face to show as part of the group. 

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