Chapter 8 | 희망?

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The seven members had all been together again for a few days, and things were back the way they were meant to be. 

Hoseok slotted seamlessly into the empty space they'd left in their choreography, and the group's teamwork was better than ever. No one wanted a repeat of their little break, and they were all working harder to make sure it never happened again. 

There was a buoyant energy amongst them that was contagious, and a renewed drive to get to their debut.  

The managers had noticed as well, and Hana had overheard them mentioning the good feedback they'd had from the rest of the staff. 

It gave her a little shot of hope that things would gradually come together. 

Since Hoseok had been back, things had gotten busier at the agency, and Hana wasn't able to spend as much time with the members as she would have liked. 

Without any official schedules yet, they didn't need her as much, so she was often poached by the managers to help with some of the other artists under their label. 

Spending less time with them made her value the time she did have more, and she came to realise how much they had all grown to mean to her in just a few months. 

"Hana-ssi!" Hoseok called out as she came into the practice room, finally having a free moment. 

She grinned at his happy expression, pleased to see him back in his rightful place. 

"Hey Hoseok-ssi, what are you up to?"

"I've finished my studio session, and don't have anything else scheduled today, so I'm gonna dance!" He was already bouncing foot to foot in a mini warm up. 

She noticed he was dressed in street clothes, ready to move. "Ooh, anything in particular?" 

"I've got a few good songs lined up," he said, excited. "Want to join?"

She hummed, thinking. It was late in the afternoon, and most of the office staff had already left so technically she wasn't needed as there weren't any events that evening. 

"I think I can, but start without me, I'll be back in 10 minutes!" she called, already rushing out. 

She quickly finished one last task, then found the change of clothes she'd put in her locker in preparation for their next dance play. 

Once she was changed, she headed back upstairs, already hearing the bass before she opened the door. 

Hoseok was in his element, oblivious to his surroundings as he moved to the beat, or controlled the beat itself, it was hard to tell which. He really shone when he was dancing. 

Hana felt a warm bubble in her chest, seeing him this way. It was hard to reconcile this Hoseok with the boy she remembered from a few weeks ago, but it was the best change. 

He noticed her then, waving her in with one hand as the song changed. 

They did some improvisation this time, just moving their bodies in whatever way they felt like, and enjoying the feeling as the rhythm flowed through them.  Hana loved dancing together with Hoseok; knowing he felt so passionately about dancing helped her to enjoy it more, and it had become almost therapeutic for her. 

After a half dozen songs, they had a water break, sprawling out on the floor. 

"Ah! I missed our dances, Hana-ssi. It's nice to just dance for fun sometimes, and not only to memorise choreography."

"I missed them too," Hana agreed, nodding. "It felt like ages, even though it was only a few weeks. I'm glad you're back."

He beamed at her, hearing the sincerity in her voice, "Aww, Hana-ssi! I'm glad too."

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