cODe: bUwRa: prt 3

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awkwardness fills the bunker as the two teenagers try to figure out their feelings or else their insane friends will keep them there 'till eternity

betty, still sitting down, crossed her legs and covered her face in embarrassment

jug looks away from her and finds the courage to talk to her while acting like a
13-year-old with an obsession with a celebrity.

betty looks up and actually sees jug. he was wearing his flannel unbuttoned, his "S" t-shirt half tucked, and grey sweatpants. the average jughead jones

"what is it, Jug?"
he looked right back at her and blurted it all out.

he said very fast, it was like he was trying to say it without betty understanding a single word. unfortunately, she understood it perfectly

"oh, you know."
betty sighs and puts her head on her palms. jug sits down next to betty, in the seat where he was tied up, and put his hand on her back

betty smiled back at his action and leaned over to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
"i'm so sorry, betty. you don't deserve to lose your mother at a time like this"

"i know."
betty looked at jug longingly and knew what she had to do next. she leaned over to him as she tried to kiss him

[y'all been waiting for this since chapter 52, 11 chapters. well-]

when jughead realized the situation, he stood up and moved away from betty, who was shocked from his actions.

"what's wrong?"
she looked up at jughead who was at the corner, he was blushing real hard

"what's wrong is i have a girlfriend and you tried to kiss me"
jug accused her as she stood up and got to his side.

"but, you were sending mixed signals! it wasn't my fault"
she puts her hand on her chest and felt betrayed a little, sure he cheated on her but he was drunk. this time, he was just sending mixed signals here.

"i- you know what?"
jug stood up and put both of his hands on her shoulders and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"let's just forget all about this and be friends"
he slides his hands to her forearms which gives her goosebumps.

betty nods in response and they hug for a long time, like the time when they broke up. there were differences to the situations but the only similarity is that they never wanted to let go-

kevin shouted from the ceiling and natural light entered the forest

they both let go and betty ran to the bunker door and looked up, it was 10:20am in the morning- this morning felt like 3 chapters- i mean days.

she climbed up the ladder and looked around the forest, veronica and kevin were no longer in sight. what she saw instead was a note on a tree that said "bond, also use find my phone"

it took literal hours to get back home, they had to use betty's phone which was on the ground placed by the two psychos that call themselves "dream duo"

it was on 5% when they saw Veronica's limo. they ran to it and opened it, just to meet veronica and kevin crying while watching titanic.

they interrupted them, got in and was brought back home. the hour that was inside a bunker felt like an eternity

as betty walks in her house, her mother sees her. "wait- you were gone?" alice says as betty realized

her mom didn't even know she was kidnapped

alice is dying WHY?! ok, now the next chapter will be them in college because it's June 30, and i will say that their classes start at August 5.

they move in, blahblahblah. now a little bughead friendship, cheronica may rise and archie all alone.... or maybe not.

 𝚁𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙶𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚝Where stories live. Discover now