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You and me, we used to be together
Every day together, always
I really feel that I'm losin' my best friend
I can't believe this could be the end
It looks as though you're lettin'  go
And if it's real, well, I don't want to know

Olivia casually hummed to the radio, quietly buzzing in the background. Abby has given them a break, the group dance they were doing was intense.

She had gone to get water, the other girls were either redoing their hair or attempting to perfect a move they'd recently learned. There wasn't much time to learn their routines.

Olivia could hear...crying? As she got closer to the door of the changing room the girls were in, the sobs got louder.

Reaching the handle, she heard something, Paige she was sure mutter "It's OK. She's  just an insecure brat."
Other girls seemed to be murmuring in agreement.

Olivia opened the door and all hell broke loose.
"Get out!" She turned to see a furious Kalani glaring at her.
"I-" "What do you want Olivia?" Maddie appeared annoyed. "Haven't you done enough?"
Olivia scanned the room in an attempt for answers.
All she could find were angry faces. Although Nia appeared to show some sympathy.
"I don't get it." She whispered as she made eye contact with a tearful Chloe.

Suddenly Olivia could hear her name screamed at her from the top of the stairs. She hurried out the room before she came  face to face with her angry mother coming down the staircase.
Marissa swung her hand to make contact with Olivia's cheek. "I didn't realise I raised a bitch." The mom hissed, her own eyes filled with tears. Olivia rubbed the red hand mark before looking directly to the producers and realised, they had been filmed the whole time.
Olivia wondered whether it was fake. She certainly hoped so.
Just then she could hear Abby yell for them to get back in the studio.
Shuffling over, the preteen entered the room with all eyes on her.
A nasty smirk was on the lips of her dance teacher.

"Honestly Gumacho," Miller snarled "you're a good dancer but by golly, you are a shitty person. What type of friend are you?" 
Olivia looked up to see the moms, all looking back at her with disapproving looks. Kira seemed to be comforting her mom while Jill was whispering something. Christi was FURIOUS though. As was Kelly.
"Right!" Abby broke off her vicious thoughts. "Time to rehearse this dance ladies! Not long til Nationals!"
As she was about to play the music, Abby turned to the student she had been teaching for the longest.
"We don't need you as of this moment Olivia. You can go outside."

The kid could hear the sighs of relief as she departed the room. Sitting in a seat, she ignored the cameras and the grown woman upstairs badmouthing her and tuned out.

Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
Oh, hush, hush, darling

Authors Note: I don't know what you guys will think about this. I've always wanted to do Dance Moms fanfic. Let me know if you hate it, loathe it or despise it 😉
(In all honestly though, no one will read this cos it's pretty shit probably)

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