An unpleasant return

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Via took a deep breath. She definitely had to think back with this solo, even if it was the most recent one she'd done.


Oh I just can't complain

Via started with an arabesque before switching to a simple pirouette.

Via could never complain. According to the moms, she was always favoured by Abby.

I see the rain and all my problems getting washed away

Via did two jetés consecutively before doing a fouetté sauté

Via wished her problems could leave her. Instead they constantly piled onto her.

Oh, the same day, same routine
A single pirouette en dedans was performed before a pirouette en dehors

Throughout her time at the ALDC, Via always did pirouettes. It was the same thing.
That wasn't it though, everything started to repeat itself.
By the time Maddie and Mackenzie left, Abby had given up teaching.

All I need is just a little bit of
All I need is just a little bit of oxygen

No dance moves were performed. Instead at the actual performance, Via ripped off part of her uniform.
Via couldn't really do that now though. Instead she stared at the ceiling until the instrumental piece played to which four very quick pirouettes were performed.

Oh, I just can't complain
Via performed two butterflies that flowed into two aerials. The tempo was now a lot quicker.

I see the rain and watch my problems getting washed away
Via tumbled six times before ending it with a backflip.

Oh the same thing, same routine
Once again the same thing with the fouettés
and Via did her 'signature' move of walking on her hands before flipping over into the splits.

All I need is just a little bit of oxygen
Via panted dramatically towards the stage and she looked to the mirror where she saw all the girls looking at her. They began to clap which made her blush.

Via went to get her phone and was about to leave when she heard someone say "Via, where are you going?"
Face flushing, she replied "Well I don't want to take up everyone else's rehearsal time."
Nia threw her head back in laughter. "Vi, we're all going to do a group dance!"
"Oh" was all that came out of Via's mouth as embarrassment nearly overwhelmed her and she put her phone and bag down before rejoining the group.

"Oh, you're sweaty," Marissa remarked as she watched her daughter arrive from the studio.
"It was intense." Chloe defended them, getting laughter.
"What were you guys doing?" Maddie gestured.
"Just sitting about and arguing?"
The mums found that funny. "Actually, we've just been talking about what you all are up to."
Holly explained.

Her mum seemed to be in a good mood although Via felt that change when they arrived home.
She was...worried?

Via stared down at her elbows.There wasn't really any point in being clean. There were still faint holes visible and she hadn't been doing anything for like a month.

Via hated staying sober. It pained her that it was easier to stay addicted and consumed with drugs than with dance which is what she had put her whole life to.

So she got the stuff out. Via was pretty good at hiding stuff from her mum.
She contemplated whether to inject the heroin or cosume it through her nose like crack.
Before any decision could be made, the door swung open and Via had to quickly throw her notepad onto the drugs.

For once though, Marissa wasn't checking to see what she was doing. Instead she quickly told her, "Me and Lucas need to go to the hospital. Could you go downstairs and take care of your brothers or could they come to your room?"
They definitely were not going to Via's room.
The teen sighed before replying "I'll come down."
Her mum had barley waited for her response before shutting the door and rushing downstairs telling her sons in the progress "Everything's fine. Your sister will take care of you."
Then, the front door shut,and Via decided to trek down the stairs.

Her twin brothers glanced at her anxiously.
"Don't worry," Via sighed. "I'm not gonna bring any guys over."
Max put his hands in the air. "Yay! No more creepy guys!"
Via felt bad for exposing her siblings to such a horrible environment. Yet it felt like they were the only people who showed any sympathy to her on a day to day basis. Like they could kind of understand some of the shit she was going through.

So she spent her time with them watching an NFL game.
Not long after it ended, the doorbell rang. Via got up to the door and saw her mum appearing very tearful. "My breast cancer is back."

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