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Olivia didn't want to turn around. Although she didn't really have a choice.
It wasn't her mother's voice she heard or her dad's, the gruff voice of an officer or anyone else , it was Holly.

"I...uh..." Via didn't know who to make eye contact with. Holly stepped forward. "You better have a damn good explanation for why you have me, Nia and your entire family worried."
Mum's not worried about me , she's worried about her reputation , was the thought wandering about in Via's mind.
She couldn't say that though.

So she kept her mouth shut. Now the officer was talking. PC Bowles, Via was able to recognise.
"May we ask where was your location from half one to..." he looked to his watch "quarter past five?"
Via got out her phone. "17 Fourthwall street." She read out.
The officer scribbled one his notepad. "May we ask who you were visiting?"
Via didn't want to throw Jenny into this. "The family of Jack Dawson." She replied.
A few of the officers faces fell when they heard they name and muttered under their breaths "What a shame." and "Thanks."
Some of them started speaking to Lucas before they all gathered at the door.

"Excuse me?" Marissa's face was red. "That's it?"
Bowles shrugged his shoulders. "Ma'am what do you want us to do? She returned home safely."
"We don't know who she visited though." Marissa argued. Once again Bowles didn't have anything to say "Maybe she'll just tell you herself."

With that, they were out.
Via turned to see her mum, who marched in the opposite direction towards the kitchen.
Her stepdad shot her a dirty look before following his wife.
Now she was left with Nia and her furious mum.
Via couldn't look at either of them.
"I suppose you have something to say." Holly eventually said.
"Sorry." Via muttered and for a moment, Holly's eyebrows furrowed as if that wasn't what she expected before she told her "We were worried sick. Your mum called an hour ago, to ask how you were getting on. I said we hadn't seen you. She was horrified, after all you told her you were going to see Nia isn't that right?"
Holly looked to her daughter who couldn't even bare to look in the same direction as Via.
"Of course, your momma panicked. She called the cops, on my advice , and they came to us, thinking we'd done something."

Via's eyes were on the kitchen door, which was shut, however the yelling could be heard.
"You know nothing about her!" She could hear her stepdad say.
Her mum fired back with "What do you want Lucas?! She's a shut book! You can't read her! I can't tell anything about my daughter and it scares me! She's probably done this before! Now that she's been caught, she's going to improve!"

Things were quiet. Then Lucas quietly spoke up. "That show destroyed her Marissa. For the first couple of seasons, it was the best thing that happened in her life. Then she said something stupid and everyone knows how quick people jump to conclusions. It's been nearly ten years . How long will this be held against her?"

Via couldn't take it. She quietly muttered another apology to Nia and her mum before going up the stairs. Then a door opened and Marc came out, quivering in his jammies and clutching a book. "I-Is everything ok?" He asked.
Via sighed, not wanting to say more than she should. "No ones mad at you." Was all that came out her mouth.
Then she went to her room and collapsed onto her bed.

Olivia woke up the next morning, dazed and hearing...laughter?
She quietly snuck out her bed and tiptoed to the landing where she was hearing the likes of Brooke, Kendall,Nia and Chloe?
Via decided to straighten her hair before applying some light foundation on and some lipgloss.
After putting on a woolly jumper and leggings, Via was about to go downstairs when she heard Kendall say "Where's Via?" .
To her surprise, it was Marc who replied. "She isn't usually awake at this time as she doesn't normally eat breakfast. Sometimes, she'll get up to make my breakfast for me though."
"That's nice." Mackenzie quietly said and Via was actually touched by that compliment.

"So I'm guessing," and it was Chloe that was speaking, "that you get along with your sister Marc?"
There seemed to be hesitation and Via didn't know where this was going. "Um I don't see her often." Was all that her brother initially said.
The familiar voice of Jill boomed "So I guess that's cause of her studies?"
Even though Via was upstairs, she could feel her brother wince. "That's true and uh she's just always doing something else."
Jojo seemed excited. "Such as?"
Another pause followed and Via truly felt for her younger sibling.
"She brings people here. When it's just me and Max around. I don't see them though. Via usually just goes upstairs with them."

Shit. There seemed to be muttering around the kitchen table. "I've never met these people." Marissa seemed to unnecessarily add.
Then it was Max's turn. "Well she told us that she hopes you never have to meet them." He bluntly admitted.
Via could hear Christi almost instantly go "Why's she saying that?" .
The mood seemed to dampen afterwards and Via knew this seemed to sum up the effect she had on those she used to be close to.

Always ruining everything eh?
Eventually Via decided to enter downstairs and when entering the kitchen, ignored everyone else and asked Marc for a cereal bar.
Sitting down to eat it, she heard Kira ask "So how are you doing Via?"
Via swallowed her bar before saying "I'm doing fine thank you. How are you?"
Kira seemed pleasantly surprised that the kid had asked such a simple question back.
"I'm fine thank you."

Almost instantly, Jill seemed to boom "How are your studies?".
This seemed to make everyone uncomfortable and Via could see Kendall cringing.
Shrugging, she eventually replied "They're ok thank you."
Camille eventually decided to tell her that they came here to discuss ideas for filming.
That wasn't what it seemed like to Via but she wasn't going to call anyone out.

Then the doorbell rang. Via was going to get up then saw her mum already halfway there.
Everyone heard the conversation between Marissa and PC Bowles.
"Oh Arthur what brings you here?"
"Olivia Gumacho is under arrest for assisted suicide."

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