In contact with Abby

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Via has went out with a lot of guys. But perhaps none made an impression on her quite like Rory Lewis.

She shouldn't hate him. The relationship they had was probably the only "healthy" one she had been in.
Yet it probably ended the worst.

Via found out from a YouTube video that screenshots from Instagram of an exchange between Rory and one of his friends, revealed that Lewis' intention of their relationship was to take Via's virginity.

Many fans,dance moms and the girls fired back, with Abby saying on Dr. Oz that "Rory Lewis treated a kid who I considered to be my child, like sexual property and changed her for the worse."

While many people applauded Abby for that statement, Via only saw bitter irony. It was Miller who was one of the first to take a hit to her self esteem. Rory just took it to another level.

Rory himself was now a successful actor on Nickelodeon, having given up dancing as it was "too stressful".

Anyway, back to reality and Via was frozen on the spot. The shock was quickly registered on the other girls' faces before  being cleverly disguised with a smile.
"Hey guys!" He awkwardly waved before sitting next to JoJo...and Via.

The video wasn't bad, a Q and A.
Filming wrapped up, but Rory was still in the room.
"Via," his voice was incredibly quiet, but everyone heard, "can I talk to you in private?"
It was Chloe who replied. "In the bathroom."
"That's not..."
"I don't trust you with her, after the disgusting shit you said!"
The other girls murmured their agreements and Via was now in the bathroom, with Rory.

The awkwardness had increased, considering this was the type of place they hooked up in.
"How are you?"
Via expected many questions from her ex. But this wasn't one of them.
"What do you mean?"
"I feel like shit Via. I just need to know if you're ok."
Via decided to ignore the second part.
Looking to the door, she replied,
"You treated me relatively well."
"That's not what your best friend said."
Via smirked before looking back to her ex.
"There's a lot of things she doesn't know though."
Rory's face burned bright red.
"I'd like to see you again."
"Yeah...just hang out."
"You mean hook up."
"Hey! You said it! Not me!"

After getting back out, Rory left, leaving Via with the questions. "What did he say?" Nia smirked.
Via shrugged. "Just asked if I was OK."
Kendall didn't appear impressed. "You shoulda said 'Not thanks to you!'"
Via laughed, alongside the others. It was better than to say her true intentions.

Which happened at nearly midnight. Via had to make sure Chloe was asleep, verified by the rising and falling of her chest.
With that, Via tiptoed out the room, only a robe covering her nightwear, as she went down the corridor, down the stairs, and to a balcony.
"So...should we get this over and done with?"
"Rory, I'm not having sex on a balcony!"
"Ssh! Keep your voice down!"
"My bad...usually you're the loud one."

The encounter wasn't very long and after saying their byes, Via headed back to her room, thankful fo see her best friend still asleep.
It was only quarter past midnight, but Via knew that they were appearing on Studio 10 tomorrow.
Having appeared on it for 'The Irreplaceables Tour', Via was grateful she didn't get asked much questions. Although the ones she did  get stung.

"Now Via, we're onto you." The presenter asked.
Via shifted uncomfortably, hating the sudden attention.
"We know that you of course were very close with..." the pause wasn't deliberate but it still stung, "Abby, however that kind of seemed to change in the last few seasons of 'Dance Moms'. Do you know why?"
Of course she did . But Via wasn't necessarily gonna share them. Ever, she hoped.

So she shrugged, giving a one worded answer that has morphed into a question, "Teenager?".
Luckily the audience seemed to find that funny although the presenter wasn't as amused.
"I mean..." she wasn't going to let go of the subject "you were what? The "Golden Girl"? Then you kind of became a shadow of that."

The presenter stopped speaking and Via realised she was supposed to answer. Luckily, her mom took her place.
"I think that was something," Via could feel her moms eyes on her, "certain people liked to put on her. However, the numbers speak for themselves. Via's never lost at Nationals, has won the most Solo titles in the competitions history..."

Not much more was said as the audience began to cheer. The presenter also seemed more happy.
Her attention was back on Via though.
"You're an OG. A member of the original group. Having been on the show for seven seasons, how would you rate your time on the show? Especially considering that you said, in your own words, 'Season one was the only season I enjoyed on 'Dance Moms' ."

Via tried not to sigh. Because in truth, she didn't have an answer. And her mom couldn't bail her out.
"I think...I'm grateful, obviously. It's harder though, as the seasons go by, hence why I said that the first season was the only one I enjoyed. Also...people's motives change. You think they're the best people that help you and you look up to them, you idolise them then you realise..." Via winced, the next part was hard to say, "that they're adults who demoralise. Your confidence, self esteem starts to go down the drain.  Dance Moms is certainly not an experience I regret, I owe it for everything . But in the end, the cons started to outweigh the pros.
And people aren't always who you think they are."

The applause was deafening and Via felt the other girls' eyes on her, but she continued to look at the presenter who presented her last question.
"Finally, this is a question for both you guys," she gestured to Via and Marissa, "do you guys keep in contact with Abby Lee Miller?"
Via did everything not to wince as she admitted "No."
Before she could be further probed, Marissa stepped in.
" I do." A sigh was then given. "No matter what happens, I'm forever...indebted. Goodness knows what would've happened if it wasn't for Abby. Whatever our relationship is like with her, she raised Via. She was there our whole journey and even if she's not there for the next part, Abby Lee Miller will always remain a very big part of our lives."

Via sighed. That was true.
But that didn't mean she wanted to see Abby Lee Miller again.

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