"Where do you think you're going?"

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Olivia realised she needed to meet Jenny.
They had never spoken, in fact during the entire time Via and Jack were in a relationship, the subject about their families had never been brought up.
So of course...if you add that up, then no, Marissa does not know about Jack.

So Via needed an excuse. Which was quite easy to be honest. "I'm going to Nia's." She told her mum as she shut the door behind her. There was a faint "Enjoy yourself!" but Via never responded.
Instead she pulled out her phone to see the address of Jenny's house.
17 Fourthwall street.
It wasn't actually very far from here.

Via stood outside an amber door for a few minutes, anxious to knock.
Eventually she gently tapped her knuckle against the wood and was surprised that the door almost instantly opened.
"Oh do come in!" Olivia was surprised by how cheerful Jack's mum appeared to be, as she had to bundle over a poodle to get to the hallway.

"Take a seat." She was told as she obliged by leaning back into a comfy leather couch.
Instantly Olivia looked around and could spot many photos of Jack on the mantle.
The pane of guilt nearly overwhelmed her and it was hard to make contact with a mother who had lost her child less than 48 hours ago.
Jenny attempted to smile, but Via could already see the tears in her eyes.
She placed her mug down. "I don't have anything against you," she quietly began. "From what I've seen from the text messages, he seemed to enjoy his time with you."

Then there was the eye contact. Via rarely made any but she knew she had to do so this time.
There was also a change in the older woman's expression. "Yet it seems..." the pause was brief but deafening "that you knew things about Jack that even I didn't know."

Oh shit.

Olivia tried to keep calm but she was shivering in the heater melting room.
Jenny looked to what seemed like the most recent photo of Jack, taken from probably less than a year ago if Via had to guess and it showed him suited up, with a monotone expression standing next to his beaming mum, who had her arm draped around her son.
"His..." she started off before breaking down and thankfully for Via, she saw a box of tissues nearby so she instantly grabbed them before passing them to Jenny. After blowing her nose, she was finally able to stammer out "...s-substance a-abuse."

"I just want to know," the grief stricken woman continued while wiping her eyes "what your relationship with him was like?"
Via took a deep breath. "I'll go from the start."

"Me and Jack went to the same elementary. Not the same middle school which was  around the time that I started to speak to him. Whenever I'd come  home from dance, I'd always see him doing the rounds. It intrigued me cause I'd never see a paperboy at night.
Once he caught me staring at him so he chucked a magazine at me. I was told it was for free which made me pleased for some reason!
For some reason, I was always so interested in him. I used to sneak behind a gate and wait for him like a creep. I think one day he like caught me, and then he...gave me his number! I thought it was like sarcastic to get me to stay away from him so I didn't call that number until one day before a dancing competition, I was going to do a solo.
So I was waiting and I then got...bored I guess? I dialled that number and to my surprise, he answered! He asked who this was and why I was calling and I told him I was the girl he saw while doing paper rounds and that I was gonna do a solo. Jack then asked if I was nervous and I told him yes, this competition was pretty big, my dance teacher'd go mental if I screwed it up.
He wished me good luck and the call ended.
I actually got first place as well which was awesome!

We didn't start going out until like a year later.
Our relationship was very...on and off. By the time I was 14 and he was 16, we'd broken up ten times and got back together.
No one knew about our relationship. There was a lot of things we didn't know about each other.
His drug misuse was one of them.
A couple of years ago, well when I was 15 he sent me a nude selfie. I was freaked out and I asked him if he was ok. He didn't reply until a couple of days later and told me that he was high.
I didn't want to know anything else. Then around a year and a half ago, I found him slumped over. I thought he'd overdosed, I saw a syringe in his arm.
Then he woke up or something and said that overdoses weren't odd and that he did have them often.

I was going through some stress myself and I... knew this couldn't continue. It felt like we were on a spiral, one minute we're next to each other, the next thing you know, we couldn't be further apart.
So I uh...ended it."

Suddenly, the door swung open and a teenager stood before the duo. She was about to open her mouth before her eyes widened when seeing Via.
Jenny frowned. "What Tessa? What's the matter?"
Her daughter pointed towards Via. "That's...Olivia Gumacho. Mum, she's on Dance Moms!"
Jenny turned to Via. "Maybe grief does some strange things."She muttered.
Via said in the quietest voice possible, "I was on that show."
Jenny turned around. "Oh really? My girl was obsessed about that show. She told me about some reunion."
Tessa's eyes had now narrowed and it was clear from the dark eyes and creases across her face, the stress that the child had been through.
"I was just going to say..." she was still in awe of Via it seemed "that I was going to go to bed."
Jenny nodded. "Good night honey."
Via looked to the clock. It was only five o'clock.

When the teenager had left, the tired mother turned to face her son's former girlfriend.
"I guess," now she was looking at the clock "you should get going. Your mum might be worried."
Via didn't think so but she nodded before quietly thanking Jack's mum.
The walk wasn't far to go home, yet Olivia was horrified to see police cars at her driveway, as well as Nia and her mother's cars parked.
She quietly opened the side door and was about to sneak upstairs when she heard

             "Where do you think you're going?"

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