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Park Jimin.

Name alone makes my blood boil.

He is the thorn in my side.

The bane in my existence.

A pain in my ass.

I stood by the door with groceries both hands, watching as my dumb ass demon boyfriend and his muscle bunny bodyguard laugh at what the incubus twink said.

They didn't even notice I came home! What the hell?!?



I snarled as the muscle brain cooed at him. While my soon to be single boyfriend looked at him fondly.

My eyes popped out when I saw him whisper something at the Incubus and the little twink blushed?!?

That's fuckin it!

I grabbed a shoe and threw it hard.

Landing on my boyfriend's head.

"What the fuck?!?" He stood up and snarled. His face instantly change when he saw me with my hands on my hips and my foot tapping our wooden floor.

"Hey babe. How long have you been there?" He asked sheepishly.

"Long enough to know someone is gonna be sleeping outside on the couch. That type of long."

He winced

"What the hell are you doing here Park?"

"Oh hello Hyung. I didn't notice you there." He smirked.

"Yeah well you have eyes so small I can't even think how the hell can you see."

"My eyes looks like cresent moon when I smile hyung,  Yoongi Hyung said so."

"Did he now."

"It was a looooonggg time ago babe." He cleared his throat.

"Yeah right." I took the bags from the floor and moved to the kitchen. Yoongi following behind.


"Shut it Min."

"But babe."

"I said shut it or else I'm gonna dice your dick then feed it to that twink." Lifting the knife from the counter.

Yoongi raised his hands in surrender.

I started banging everything on the counter. With every bang I can literally see my boyfriend jump in fear.

I can't take it anymore.

"What the hell is your fuckin incubus ex is here Yoongi?!"

"Like he said he was visiting."

"From what I see you're not sick Yoongi, He don't need to visit you!" I hissed at him.

"He's a friend."

"He's your fucking ex! You guys dated for almost a century!"

"And now we are not! I'm in a relationship with you!"

"That will mot change anything! I can't compete with that! To someone who is insatiable to sex and who you were with for almost 100 yrs! There was a reason you lasted that long!"

"There was! And you said it. He was a insatiable and I was a horny teen demon on a rebelious phase. We fuck around but that's it."

"He also broke your heart when he can't commit. You said it yourself."

"He's an Incubus! Of course he won't be able to commit!"

He sigh.

"I don't know why you're so threaten by him."

"Me? Threatened!?"

"Is there anyone else here?"

"Take that back! I'm not threatened by someone like him! I know my place! I know when NOT to step on the line! But he does not! And you let him! No, worst is you  even encourage him! If you're still hung up on him why don't you just break it off with me and go run along to him?!"

"Stop it!"

"I will not! You know its true. Deep inside he is someone you can't get over! You still love him don't you?!"

"He's a friend. A good friend! He helped me through a lot when we were younger! He was there when my mortal mother died! He helped through the darkest days of my demon life! If you stop even for a second from being an insecure, jealous brat then you would see how great he is! Incubus or not!" He snapped at me!

I was stunned.

He never talked like this before. And it hurts. Every word was like a knife to the heart.

"Babe.. shit. I didn't mean to." He took a step forward to me. I held my hand up to him.

"Stop. You did mean it. Every fucking word. Glad to know what you think of your mortal boyfriend."
I said coldly.

I pushed him aside and made my way to the door.

I turned around to look at Jimin and Jungkook who were both quiet all this time. Jk stood up.


I shook my head and turned my back on them.

Yoongi came out of the kithen.

"Jinnie.. Stop please.." I heard him but I didn't bother to look. I put on my shoes on and left without looking back.

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