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"Hyung is your place haunted?" Kook asked while munching on some chips.

"What the fuck?!" I asked as I gently rubbed Jin's back after chocking on his coffee.

"Yah! Why would you even say that!? We live here asshole."
My boyfriend shrieked.

Jungkook shrugged. "I keep hearing this Eekk! Eeekk!
sound every night and its driving me crazy. I can't believe you guys never brought it up."

"Eeek?" Jin asked slowly.

"Yup!" Jk answered before popping another handful of chips. "Right at the laundry room. I tried to check it out the other night but it was locked."

"Laundy room?" Jin asked again.

"Yeah. Why would you guys lock your laundry room?It's not like there's anything valuable in there. Ooohh are you hiding some BDSM stuff there? Like some
50 shades of gray shit? I want in!!"

I hit him in the head for thinking some stupid shit about me and my boyfriend.

"Why would you even think we keep something there?! Besides if we are into some BDSM shit (which we do sometimes but he's not gonna know that) why would you think you can even join?! I don't share asshole.

"Aww hyung you promised before you met Jin hyung that we would try it together! How can you break that promise!"

"Shut it!" I yelled before looking at my quiet boyfriend nervously.

"I got to go to work." He suddenly stood up and went to the door to grab his bag and jacket. He hurriedly put in his shoes and opened the front door.

"Wash the dishes! And don't let me hear anything about that ghost stuff in the laundry when I get home tonight. Understand!?!" He yelled before slamming the door behind him.

"Now you've done it fetus! You freaked Jin out."

"What? It's true. I'm surprised he haven't brought it up though. You never heard it?"

"Oh I heard it alright. For a week know. But I just don't blurted it out. You know how easily Jinnie can freak out."

"Well we can check now. He's not home. I mean if its some ghost we better get rid of them. Especially poltergeist. They are stupidly messy. You know that right? Remember you great, great Aunt? the mortal who haunted your ass for decades as a poltergeist cause you laughed at her funeral dress?"

I shudder at the though.

"You're right. Let's check it out."

We both ran to the laundry room and tried to get inside but found it lock.

"Ok. I know I hate doing laundry but locking this room is extreme. Even for Jin."

"Stand back hyung."

Before I can ask why Jungkook blasted the door with his fireball.

"Now its --Ouch! What the hell?!" Jk exclaimed while rubbing his head.

"Jin will kill you for destroying the door. You know that right?"

"We don't have the key hyung."

"Muscle brain." I muttered.

"There hyung! Did you hear that?!"

"Yeah... let's go?"

We slowly walked inside. Fireballs and plasma balls forming from our fist. Ready to engage into a fight when something stopped us.

"What the fucking hell is that?!?"


"Yoongichi are home?" I yelled as soon as I opened the fron door.

"I brought some lamb skewers for dinner. But to be honest I don't think we should share this with your muscle brain bodyguard after what he said this morning.. where the hell are you guys?"

"Hey babe."

"Hey! Where were you?" I asked as I placed the food on the table. I walked up to him to give him a quick peck, I was about to turn away when he grabbed my waist and force me back.

"Yoongi..." I eyed my demon boyfriend.

He started to kiss my jaw slowly. Nipping small skins, makinh his way down to my neck.

I shuddered.

He gave my neck a finally suck before leaning to my ear and whispered.

"Is there anything you wanna tell me babe?"

I giggled.

"Not that I know of.... Master."

I felt my boyfriend shuddered and exhale heavily. I smirked. Knowing how much he likes that.

But was surprised when he pushed me away slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Yoongi stepped aside revealing Jk behind him with a smug look on his face.


"Care to explain what that is Jin?" He pointed behind him where Jk was standing.

"Are you talking about your muscle brain bunny from hell? What about him?" I'm so confused right now.

"Muscle brain.. -- Get out of the way Jungkook!"

"Oh oopps sorry!" Jk said sheepishly.

My eyes went wide when he moved.

"Well babe?"

"What've you done to my babies?!" I exclaimed as I ran towards the cage sitting on top of the table and peered inside.

"Yah! Babies? Those are not my kids!"

"Mine. Not yours."

"What the fuck are those anyway!?"

"Sugar Gliders."

"A what?!"

I sighed in annoyance. "Sugar Gliders they're nocturnal gliding possum. I bought them as a pet."

I said as I cooed at my babies.

"Those pets of yours are a nuisance. I thought we have a ghost!"

"They are not!" I huffed.

"Why did you keep them hidden by the way?"

"I didn't know if you would approved..."

I watched as my boyfriend scoffed.

"When did you ever listen to me babe? You never do." he smirked.

"So I can keep them?"

"Of course. What am I? Your father?"

I shrieked in excitment and ran to hug my boyfriend.

"Thank you! I promise you won't even know they're here!"

"Yeah right." He deadpaned.

"And also..." I leaned in to his ears and gently tugged his lobe. "... definitely not my father.... but Daddy.. hell yeah..."

I heard him growl lightly.

Eternal RoommatesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant