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How can I be stupid? Such a drama queen?! Walking out without bothering getting my wallet and coat!

This is what I get for being dumb ass stupid.

Shivering my ass off in a bus stop, miles away from home and no way of getting anywhere. Even back home.


If I still have one.

I bit my lip and hugged my knees. Trying to conserve my body heat.

I swallowed a sob.

"What am I gonna do?" I sighed.


"Hyung aren't you going to look for Seokjin Hyung? It's past midnight already?!" I exclaimed.

I watched Yoongi Hyung as he bit into his nails, its a bad habit that Seokjin Hyung tries very hard to make him stop.

He crossed his arms and looked at the window. I know he's worried but I know his pride is getting the best of him too.

"He left on his own. Let him come home. I'm not gonna run after him like I always do Kook." He sighed.

I ran my hands through my hair. I was about to say something when I felt a hand gently squeezing my shoulder.

I looked at Jimin and he shook his head slowly.

"Im not at fault here you know. He knows Jimin and I are over. Way before I even met him. I just don't get it why he feel so threatened about my relationship with Jimin. So no. I'm not gonna go after him. We both need this time to cool down. He needs to cool down and think this through. I can't be the only one in this relationship who will say I'm sorry. For fuck sake I'm the son of the Devil! I shouldn't be apologizing?!"

"Yeah. You're right. You are the son of the Devil himself. You're the prince of hell. And he is just a mortal who happens to be the love of your life. And it's killing you that you don't know where he is right now or if he's coming home. But if you do really love him it's not that bad to lower down your pride for the nth time you know. I mean I'm not justifying the fact that his jealousy was misplaced. We were together for almost a century. Anyone with half the brain may be threatened with that you know. "

"Yeah I know. But no offense. You dumped me and now I'm with him. I love him. He should know that."

"Oh believe me he knows. But every once in a while it's still nice to be assured you know. Hyung we have centuries of history from friends to lover and still be friends. If you were in his shoes. Won't you be afraid as well?"

"Damn you Jimin." He muttered.

"My sould is already damned. How much damn can it get?" Jimin teased him.

I watched them smile at each other. I can see the fondness but not the same as Yoongi Hyung look at Jinnie Hyung. Yoongi hyung looks as Jimin as a brother but He looks at Jinnie hyung as if he's his lifeline.

Seokjin Hyung can be stupid sometimes.

"Now let's find your dumb mortal shall we?" Jimin says.


"How long have I've been walking. Dammit Im so hungry. When I get home I'm gonna kick Yoongi's ass for not shimmering at this moment to take me home!"

"Would you come with him willingly or do he need to drag you kicking and screamin?"

I yelped in surprised and turned around to find HIM smirking at me.

"You." I snarled.

"Yes me." He smirked.

"Get lost Jimin."

"How rude. And here I was trying to help you get home."

"I don't need your help."

"I know you do so you can get home and be with your boyfriend so you can kick his ass."

"What I wanna do now is really hurt you." I grumbled.

"Sweety we both know you can't hurt me."

"I know but I will still take pleasure punching that stupid smile off your face."

"If you can land a punch."

"I may be the bottom in our relationship. But it doesnt mean I can't punch you know."

He laughed.

"Yeah.. Hyung makes a wonderful top right? Dominating. Powerful. He can wreck you and you would still go back for more."

"Shut up."

"He's a wild. Even more than a normal demon you know. His father can hardly control him. He was a walking rage. Destruction follows him around. When we were together. I was able to contain it for sometime. I was able to calm him down for a bit. For few years he mellowed down. "

"And your point is?"

"We were good together. We did compliment one another. He was so much darker than any other demon. Especially when his mortal mother died. You see, after she died he can't control himself anymore. I don't think he actually wanted to control himself.. So if he's angry. He destroy things. Everything and anything he can get his hands on. Did he tell you that? No?"

He sighed and looked at the sky.

"I did help him when his mortal mother died. I was there for him. We were friends before we became lovers. We both know were better off as friends. That's why we ended things. A century of being together maybe too long for a mortal like you. But for us. Its not.
Hyung may have loved me. But not the way he loved you. You're different. I contained the darkeness in him, but you.. you help him overcome it. Do you understand what I'm saying? His love for me will never be the same for what he feel for you. We have were lust and what you guys have is.. ugh... pure love. Disgusting actually." He looked at me and smirked.

"You can make a demon be cheesy as fuck, you can make a demom laugh at your corny dad jokes (Yah! They're not corny!) He wears an apron to cook for you and drive you around in a car instead of shimmering you to places ( Wish he did shimmer me sometimes when I'm tunning late..) You made a demon to love cuddles and watch late night movies. You even made him buy you peppero boxes for peppero day for crying out loud! He washed your clothes when you're tired, set the table for you and take cares of you when you're sick. He was never like that with me. All we did was fuck...Are you getting it now?"

I tried to say something but I can't find my voice.

"He loves you with every fiber of his dark soul Seokjin. And if you can't see that. Then maybe you really don't deserve him."

"I get it now..."I said softly.

"Good. Now let's get you home before your demon boyfriend cause a tsunami. Believe me he can do that."

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