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"Yoongi Help!!!"

I stood up as soon as I heard Seokjin's voice in fear through the phone.

"Where are you?!" I growled.

"Home. Hurry please! Babe I need you!" He sniffed.

"I'm coming baby."

I walked to the couch where my so called demon bodyguard was sleeping.

I yanked him up.

"What the fuck hyung?!" He said groggily.

"Seokjin is in danger." I hissed before I shimmered us home.


"SEOKJIN?!? Where are you?!" I yelled as soon as we arrived at the apartment.

No answer.

Fear gripped my heart.



Silence still.

I can feel my claws coming out. I can sense Jungkook pumping up to.

"Watch your back Kook. But get Seokjin out as soon as you get the chance." I hissed as him.


I growled at my protector. "Get him to safety then come back to me. Promise me."

Jungkook nod

We slowly walked inside our apartment.

"Baby if you can hear me. Answer me. I'm coming baby ok. Don't worry. I'm coming for you Seokjin."


I heard his faint voice upstairs.


"Yoongi help!!"

I ran up the stairs 2 steps a time and kicked our bedroom door open.



All those times I've spent in battle. All those demons I've killed didn't prepared me for what was in front of me.

"Yoongi help me...." My boyfriend whispered.

"Babe... I don't think my table was built to carry your full weight." I said deadpanned.

My Seokjin, my beautiful yet stupid,overgrown boyfriend was crouched on top of my table.

I winced at the sight of my keyboard, monitors and lyrics sheets all scattered at the corner and some where on the floor.

Jungkook was laughing his stupid ass off.

"I don't have anywhere to go ok!?" Seokjin yelled.

"What the hell are you doin there anyway?" I walked towards my boyfriend and winced more as I saw one of my equipment on the floor.

"Babe did you pushed this off the table!? This is fragile! shit! It costed me a grand!" I groaned as I picked it up to inspect it.

"Yah! I'm fragile too and the love of your life asshole!"

I placed my equipment on top of a chair and went to help Seokjin get off the table.

"What's in Satan's name are you doing on top of my table anyway?!"

He whimpered.

"What? I can't fucking hear you Jinnie."

"I saw a rat ok! I saw the teenage mutant ninja turtles dad running around our bedroom!!

"What would a rat be doing here?"

"You tell me!? Paying a social visit?! How should I know for christ sake!"

Kook and I hissed.

"Oopps sorry babe." He said sheepishly.

"Hyung are you telling me a mouse made you jumped on Yoongi hyung's table and called him for help which literally shaved a hundred or so years off his life?!"

Jungkook was cackling.

"I'm glad that you find this tragedy amusing muscle demon." Jinnie snarled at him. "Besides, it was not just A MOUSE. It was a disgusting, a whole new species type of rat ok!" He hissed at Jungkook.

I sighed.

"Yoong hyung was ready to go apocalyptic when you called him. Just so you know."

"That's good to know I can count on him go berserk for my sake then." My boyfriend giggled.

The audacity.

"Jinnie stop. Where is this fucking rat now?"

"I dunno! It ran off after I threw your things at him."

"You threw my.. --- " I sighed.

I was really not trained for this.

"How did a rat get here any way? We're all the way on the top floor." He whined.

"I dunno babe. Sheer determination and leg power." I shrugged as I wrapped my arms around Jinnie and as we started to walk out of the room.

But something stopped us.

A small furry rodent sitting contentedly in front of us.

Jinnie squealed.

"Yoongi that's him!" He yelled as he jumped on my back. I stumbled a bit trying to regain my balance.

The mouse's ears twitched before he ran off.

"I got him!" Kook smirked.

"JUNGKOOK NO!!!" We both yelled as he blasted away.


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