Last Week of Summer

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I can't wait for school to start so I can get away from my sister Fierceteeth. I also want to get away from my dad, he wants so much from me and I just don't think I can live up to his expectations. Also my family life is not fun, at least since my mom died only 5 years ago. Farsight (my mom) was the only one that would ever beleive in me in but not try and get me to do more than I could. But now I was without the only person who ever realy truly believed in me and stuck at a sad sad home. 

"Dad, I'm going to Strongwing's house" Fireceteeth said.

"Just be back before dinner" Dad said. I knew that he was busy figuring out when to do the first project. He was the science teacher at Jade High School. It is one of the best schools in Pyrrhia; my Dad is the science teacher there. 

"Starfilght, have you cheeked to see if you got you schedule" Dad asked.

"No" I said. I was just about to check for that when Tsunami texted our group chat.

"Do u guys want 2 hang out at the Scaveger Den in 10 min" Tsunami wrote. 

"u do relise thats my Moms dinner right ;)" Sunny responded. I have a huge crush on her and I have since I was in third grade. Clay, Sunny, Glory, Tsunami and I have know each other since we were practically born. 

"I will be there" Glory said.

"Me too, but can I bring Umber?" Clay said. Umber is Clay's brother. 

"If everyone Comes i am going" Sunny texed. 

"Starflight how bout u" Tsunami asked.

"Yes I will come." I wrote.

"u dont need a ." Glory wrote. I guess I had plans in ten minutes.

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