Art class then Music

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Tuesday and Wednesday went so slowly that when My extracirruclar started I was so bored that Dazzaling's entrance even made me yawn.

"Hello Class" She said with her normal cheer.

"Hi Dazzling," we said.

"today I would like you to just do free art then at the end of the day we will do our normal share." Dazzling told us. I started I was sitting next to Kinkajou an 8th grader. I tortured her on Saturdays and she kind of idealized me.

"Glory what should I draw?" She asked me. I looked around the room and there were plenty of things that you could draw.

"What are you good at drawing?" I asked her. I knew the answer was she was really good at animals.

"Animals!" she said her normal excitement returned. I sighed.

"draw a sloth" I said shaking my head. I was working on stuff for an application to college, well not an application but just when I would need to apply I would have things I could use, but today I already had something I wanted to do. It was a dragon drawing. I had been working on it in Corals English class instead of working on reading the book she assigned me. I got to background when Dazzling said

"Everyone share time," Dazzling said. "Mangrove you first"

"I made a field of Orchids'' said a senior named Mangrove. It was a field of Orchids near a pond it was colored with Colored pencils. Then Orchid went. Orchid was Mangrove's Girlfriend. Next was Tamarine, then Kinkajou then Fruit bat. I came next.

"I drew this dragon and um didn't finish" I said. I stopped listening and just waited for Class to be over.


On Wednesdays I have band and I love it. A lot of the kids in my neighborhood go to band, so I like to spend my time there and get to know the kids in my neighborhood. Most importantly is Qibli. He is my adopted brother so I like to spend time with him in band. Qibli plays the drums and I play the trumpet. I like band because I can have the time for me to be in tune and learn and well sometimes it's nice to be away from school.

"Alright were playing at a concert next week so let's get this song right and good." Said Mom, she was the leader of dand because Owasis the old instructor had quit three years ago and her daughters Blister, Blaze and Burn volunteered to take over but they argued and didn't care about the Band itself so my mom took the job when they were fired. Band was awesome. We are learning a new song so I got to read a brand new song for my trumpet playing. The song is called bring out the Gold. I don't really like the song but I do like getting to be with other people I have been enjoying a lot in the past and am really excited to be in the school band too. we have our first concert on saturday and I can't wait.

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