A sad anaversry

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So this is like a week later (in the story) but I really wanted to get down more about Starflighs past. 


I woke up misrble and cheeked my watch 6:01 read the time. I thaought back to five years ago when I woke up. I had woken up at 6:00 and emidiatly grabed Moking Jay so I could finish I had been reading the Hunger Games seris and was finaly about to finish. An hour later my Mom came up and told me to go down stairs for breakfastand brush my teeth, I did. I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth and my mom drove me to school we picked everyone up and got to school but as Mom had been driving home she had gotten into a terridle car accident and been dragged off to the hospital and three houres later died. I draged my self upand pulled my self down stairs. I saw my dad he was grading papers, I looked at him he looked just like he noramlly did it some how mad me feel worse. I dragged my self through the morning and at 7:00 I got a text. 

You ok it was from Sunny. I didn't replay.

How are you doing Star? Glory asked me. I again didn't replay.

Can I drive you to school? Clay wrote to me. I still didn't write back.

What to come to the outclaw pool? Tsunami wrote the big group with Peril and Riptide and Deathbriger. I did but didn't want to talk to people righ now.

Maybe after school. I wrote back to her I might feel better after 11:00. Dad drove Firceteeth and I to school. My sister had clouded eyes and looked like she had woken up crying.  I arrived at school at 7:45 I didn't say a word to my Dad or my friends.  I even walked right passed them. I walked in the school building and emiditly went to the lidrary. I looked through all the shelves untill I found it. I pulled Moking Jay off the shelf. I turnded to go cheek it out and saw Glory stading right in front of me.

"Don't you dare go the other direction Starflight" She growled at me. I knew why she said this becuase I had aready begune to turn around. "you need to stop blaming your self" She then said much softer. To most people surprize I acculy didn't blam my self anymore. I had for a few years after her death but now I didn't I just couldn't handdle today and I had never been able to my Mom died at esactly 10:51. it is 7:50. in three hours I now that I will have a terrible sadness, and thats not becasue I blame myself its becuse of what she told me to do at 9:00 we knew she might die because she had to go through a bad surgary. befor they wheeled her away she told that she loved me and Firceteeth more then anything and she needed me to have curage and belive in my self the way she would belive in me. she told me that she would alwyas love me no matter what. I feel bad because when she died I stoped beliving in myself and I couldn't I just couldn't be even the lest bit ok not being able to do the last thing My mom needed of me.

"I don't blam myself" is what I said in my head but acculy I just nodded and went to cheek out the book.  


"Starflight wait" I called as he rushed past us. Glory growled and ran after him. Starflight hadn't met Deathbriging till october and his Mom's deathaversry was in september so Deathbriging didn't know what was happaing today. 

"Whys he so glum." Deathbringer asked us. Tsunami almost punched him.

"Five years ago today his Mom died" I told him. 

"He always gets really really sad and doesn't talk" Peril said. we waited for the bell to ring and walked in to homeroom. 

"What happened Glory" I asked her. 

"I don't actually know" She said. Starflight was re reading Moking Jay for the 20th time. He had finished it the day his Mom dies and every year since then he reread it today. I was sincerly hoping that this was the year he finally stopped blaming himself for her death and talked to people instead of not saying a word. the day went by fast i cheeked the clock I was in physics AP with Starflight it was 10:50 I looked at him he was writing his notes down and doing the work I saw him glance at his watch and then shake his head softly. I knew he was sad because his Mom died at 10:51 I looked at the clock 10:50. I stared at the clock for a minute and then it switched to 10:51. I started at him again. He looked down then wiped his eyes. Then he looked at me and smiled slightly. Well that was an improvement. 

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