Everyones Arrival

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My younger brother Qibli had left an hour ago. It was fine because he could be annoying but I loved him. But I really didn't care about Qibli, Tsunami had arrived. Her hair was blue and in a ponytail and it always looked better than my bright blond hair. However, she cared about her hair, she had dyed it and it looked great. Glory came next she lived with her brother, Jambu, at their grandma's house. Her grandma, Grandur, was kind of rich and she had baught Glory a brand new car when she and I passed the drivers test on her 16 brithday (Glory was a week older than me so we had done it on my brithday). Glory had hair dyed a lovely leaf green her eyes were green like mine but they were a brighter green unlike my moss green eyes. Tsunami also had green eyes but they light green;Starflight had dark green eyes. I realized that Clay was the only one in our little group without green eyes; he had warm brown eyes.

"Hey Sun, hey Tsu," Glory said to them as she sat down.

"Hey Glor," Tsunami said.

"Hello Glory," I said.

Clay came in and told his siblings he had brought not just Umber but Marsh and Sora too.

"Please stay there," Clay said to his siblings. Just then Starflight burst through the door.

"Hello, I am here. Were you waiting to order?" he asked. Starflight was wearing a balck Polo shirt and gray nice pants that looked like they were from a suit. He had large square black glasses and balck hair that was forever in his face. Clay walked over he was waring a brown t-shirt and orange sweat pants. His brown hair looked as though he had hastily combed it before leaving the house. 

"Hey everyone what can I getcha?" the waitress called. It was one of Thorn's (my mom) right hand man and the ever helpful bartender Six-Claws' wife Kindel.

"I'll have a burger and two sides of fires," Clay said.

"I will take a tea please," Starflight said.

"An order of fries and onion rings," Tsunami told her.

"Jumbo chocolate chip cookie!" I said. kindel scribbled it down quickly.

"Mango smoothie," Glory said.

"You becha," kindel said back as she finshed writing everything down.

"Thank you for taking our order," I said to kindel. 

"No problem Sunny," kindel said because this place was my moms everyone knew my name. 

We talked about the food and life. I was just glad to be with friends again. Glory was drawing us because she wants to major in art and needs to practice.

Just as Stargflight was saying "somehow Fierceteeth got into a good enough college she won't be at high school and I am totally fine with that," Glory finished.

"Wow!" Tsunami exlaimed, "I mean I knew you were good but just wow!"

"Is that me eating?" Clay asked. He had a 

mouth full of food and it was spitting everywhere. 

"Yes Clay it is," Glory said. She grinned as her short green hair fell in her face. I knew it was wierd but I couldn't wait for school to start next week. 

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