1. Crashing into my life.

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//DISCLAIMER: sorry this story kind of sucks but enjoy! And I'm not that good at English, due to it not being my native language. The ending is pretty rushed too, so please don't get bothered! Enjoy! //

A boy, tall, blue eyes and beautiful black hair was sitting at his desk trying to get the maths homework to do itself. He stared at the page for a minute without moving. He leaned back in his chair and decided to let it be for today. Sighing the boy went on the balcony and looked at he sky. "Oh the stars are already out" he softly said. It was beautiful spring night and the stars were shining. The boy's hair softly flew in the wind.

The boy's name is Kageyama. Tobio Kageyama.


A loud noise disturbed Kageyama's moment. It was really loud. He looked down from his balcony. His eyes widened.

What was that? An animal or what exactly was it? No it doesn't matter but the crash sounded very hurtful. 

After a few seconds Kageyama decided to go down and check what this thing was.

Kageyama ran down the stairs opened the door and  before him, there was it.

The moonlight was shining on it's pale skin.
When the realisation hit him he was stunned. Unable to let a breath escape his lips.

The thing had beautiful black wings. They were huge but really shiny and beautiful. Kageyama didn't know what to do.

He looked at it. Or should we say him?

It was a boy. Was he dead? Kageyama was staring at this boy, his wings covered most of his body

His skin was beautiful almost white. Kageyama got down and touched the boy. The winged boy was cold. Kageyama panicked not knowing what to do.

He knew to to bring wild animals inside   but he couldn't just leave him out here. It might be dangerous but after dealing with the maths homework he was ready for anything.

His eyes didn't leave the boy for one secound when he carried him up to his bead and covered him in multiple.blankets he could find.

"Am I dreaming?" he thought and pinched his arm.
"ouch! No I'm definitely not dreaming".

And then he realised. I have an angel in my room.

Kageyama was determined to find out everything he needed to know about rhis boy. He decided to stay awake just in case.

But after lying down for a few minutes the boy drifted off to sleep nevertheless.

"My angel" - Kagehina [ENG] Where stories live. Discover now