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y/n's pov
when i get home i see my parent's car parked in the driveway. i guess they're home, nows the perfect opportunity to ask them what the fuck is going on.

i see mike, my mom, and my dad sitting on the couch having a drink.

mom sees me and smiles. "darling, we've missed you so-"

"what the fuck is this," i ask, throwing our files on the table.

my mom looks at me weirdly and so does mike and my dad. my dad takes the file slowly and opens it.

"y/n where'd you get this?" my dad asks.

"when were you going to tell me i'm heir to the throne of a mafia?" i shout. "is that why you've had me train all these years?"

"let's us explain," my mom says.

"mike, that wound is gun shot. isn't it?" i ask.

he doesn't say anything at first and then nods.

"and all these 'business trips' have something with us being a in a damn mafia doesn't it?"

all three of them nod and i feel tears streaming down my face.

"sweetie i'm so sorry we didn't tell you," my mom apologizes, "we wanted to give you a chance at a normal life— where you didn't have to worry about this all the time."

i sigh and sit down. my mom had a point, the fact that i didn't even feel before i found out means that i really couldn't handle the fact that my family is a mafia.

"the choice is yours," my dad speaks, making me look up, "if you are ready to join the family business, you can."

i sniffle a little bit. "can i think about it?"

my dad nods. i get up and head to my room.

an hr later
before all of this, i would've done anything for family. family is family. i love them— all three of them carry a special place in my heart. so what's changed? it's in my blood to keep our family business going. my parents only have one child. it's my job.

all these thoughts lead me back to one thing. mattia. we're supposed to be enemies. am i really questioning my loyalty to my family because of a boy?

i start having flashbacks of our first kiss, the time we trained, and how we cooked pasta together a couple hours ago. i shake the memories away.

no, that's not me. i get up and walk downstairs to see mike, my mom, and dad eating at the dining table.

"i'll do it," i say, catching their attention, "i wanna be the next heir the throne."

"i knew you were my daughter," my dad smirks. "why don't we get started right now? you have a lot to learn."

i smile and nod.

i check my phone saw 5 miss calls from mattia and 15 text messages.

"who is it?"my mom asks.

"no one," i say.

should i tell them that i saw mattia talking to someone at the kingston club? remember where your loyalty lies.

"hey mom, dad, mike?" i speak. "i need to tell you guys something."

"what is it?" mike says.

"i went to the kingston club the other day and-"

"woah mija, you can't go there anymore. it's too dangerous. the kingstons are our enemies," my mom tells me.

"yes mom i figured since they all looked like they wanted to kill me. anyway....," i continue, "i saw the panthers talking the kingstons— they looked like they were getting along."

"they formed an alliance," my dad mumbles.

i nod.

"wait how do you know about the panthers?" mike asks.

"i found their files along with ours, the ones i threw on the table earlier," i answer.

"and where'd you get them?" my mom asks.

"the panther's house..." i say hesitantly.

"mija why would you be at their house? how do you even know where they live?" my dad shouts.

"i was hanging out with.. mattia.." i mumble.

"mattia...?" mike says confused.

"....polibio," i finish.

"Giacomo's son," my mom slaps her forehead. "you are to not go anywhere near that boy, understand? he's dangerous."

"she's right," mike adds in, "he's the one who shot me."

my eyes widen.

"yes mom i know that now," i nod. "but.. he was the one who got me out of the kingstons club."

"honey, he's just acting nice. probably wanted to kill you himself— panthers don't care about anyone but themselves," my dad warned me.

i look down.

"doesn't matter, cuz on the business trip we went on, we paid a visit to the Dragons. they're on our side," my dad informs me.

"there's too many gangs for me to keep track of," i groan.

my dad chuckles. "just know that we're the best one. hey we should get you a tattoo of a cobra."

"tattoo?" i shout but my mom interrupts me.

"babe we should tell her about the annual mafia ball coming up," my mom says to my dad.

"mafias have those?" i ask.

"every year, we all meet up at a ballroom to have one night of truce. no weapons allowed, no fighting allowed, only talking and dancing," my dad says.

"dad.." i say.


"do i .. have to kill anyone?"

he sighs. "in our line of work, killing is necessary. but don't worry, we'll prepare you for that."

spoiler: mariano is making an appearance soon. i always add him in to my stories cuz the man is fine 😍 u can't blame me.

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