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Felix POV

I shot up and got dressed I dashed into the kitchen to find Jisung stuffing his cheeks with cereal so I stuffed mine with Milk.

"Slow down You pig" Changbin said to me as he went to make coffee, I rolled my eye's and Grabbed Jisung then dashed out of the door.

"INNIEWHERE ARE YOU" I shouted at the lake not even a second had pasted and Jeongin's head rose up from the lake.

"I'm here" Jeongin said, Since it was dawn I could see his feature's much clearer than last night and OH WOW my lil bro grew up I wiped a non-existence tear from my eyes'

"oK now get out" Jisung said while bouncing up and down

"I don't think I can come out now I have a gut feeling that today isn't the right day Can I come out later?" Jeongin said quietly trying to hide his guilt

"Of course if your not comfortable with coming out right now We'll wait even if it's another year at least we know your well" I said looking deep into Jeongin's eye, He nodded and dove into the lake.

"Let's go eat breakfast properly this time" I said to Jisung and we headed inside the Villa only to see Woojin and Chan moving the painting , Seungmin and Hyunjin making out in the hallway , Minho throwing bricks at Changbin while Changbin is throwing heat pill's in the fire place.

"I see why Jeongin didn't want to come out today" Said Jisung while nudging me, I just nodded and walked over to the kitchen. I grabbed a pan and started cooking omelette I was about to flip the omelette when I felt strong warms arm wrap around my waist.

"What the- Be gone Changbin I'm in the middle of cooking"I snapped before pulling his arm's away.

"But I want to cuddle" Changbin whined

"I thought that you would rather Die then be cuddled by a vampire" I said glaring at him

"Well I would like you to suck all my blood and cuddle with my corpse" Changbin replied.

"I think I would rather Jump into the lake" I said before flipping the omelette 

"Why are you so moody" Changbin said

"Why has your mood changed all of a sudden" Jisung said, I placed the omelette infront of Jisung and ran tothe door.I could hear Jeongin's voice calling for help, I grabbed Chan on the way out. We ran to the lake and saw Jeongin being thrown in the air by some weird Siren's and A mermaid in the middle trying to save Jeongin. 

"Get Woojin" I said to Chan with my back towards him, Without a word he dashed to the Villa and came out with Woojin running behind him in his wolf form.Woojin jumped into the lake and began swimming to Jeongin then Jumped on top of one of the Siren's who were throwing him in the air just to catch Jeongin before he got caught by the other Siren.

"Woojin I want to get out I really want to get out but I can't I'll die I don't have enough blood in me" Jeongin cried as the other mermaid stared at jeongin before patting his back and diving back into the lake.I guess that was Taeyeon

"I'm barely an adult yet I'm only 17 " Jeongin sniffed before crying into woojin's fur.

"It's ok Jeongin come out in your own time no need to rush" I said reassuring him

"Hyungs... I'm ready I'll come out in a few minutes but I don't want anyone to see me just yet" Jeongin said before I signalled Chan+Woojin to make everyone leave the villa.Jeongin dived into the lake once again and Woojin swam back to us.

"Let's get everyone out of the back door" Woojin said as we walked to the villa.We rushed everyone out which was probably very suspicious but they didn't question it so Meh.

Hyunjin POV

Chan,Woojin and Felix came running into the Villa and rushed us all out through the back door like what the heck do they think their doing I walked away from everyone else until I got to the other side of forest.(The other end of the Lake basically if that makes sense) I starred at the lake it was just as beautiful as it was before but then I saw a head rise up from the lake It must have been one of the vampire's that went in, I tried to walk away but it's scent un-resistable it's scent was Jeongin's No he's died it can't be him I starred at the vampire He had shimmering pink hair,Milky white skin and beautiful galaxy Orange eye's that glistened and shined.I waved at him and He waved back with teary eye's Did someone hurt him? My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash.

"I guess I'll see you later Bye Bye"I waved goodbye and headed back.

3rd Person

Once everyone was "herded" Out of the Villa, Chan, Woojin  went back to the lake to see if Jeongin was there and wanted to come out yet and Felix made sure that everyone was busy with shopping while he bought some things for Jeongin and himself,Chan and Woojin.

"Ready Jeongin?"Woojin asked ready to pull him out.Jeongin nodded and starting pulling himself out soon after A Siren emerged from the lake and bit a chunk of flesh out of the side of jEONGIN'S ToRSo.Jeongin Screamed in Pain and that was Woojin's queue to start pulling Jeongin out as Jeongin was now weak and loosing blood.Woojin successfully Pulled Jeongin out and Chan started cleaning off the blood and started wrapping bandages around JeONGIN'S SIDE as Jeongin cried in pain and soon after fainted.Chan carried him bridal style into the villa with Woojin following behind.

"Keep wrapping more Bandages around him i'll go get him some clothes so he won't be naked when his tail disappears"Woojin said before handing Chan more bandages and running into his and Chan's shared bedroom.Chan wrapped a Jeongin's whole bandages even though only one side was Bitten,some would say he looked like a mummy.Woojin came back with a Chan's big pink hoodie,Grey tracksuit bottoms and fluffy,wooly Black socks."Ok move I'm gonna heal him so he'll recover quicker " Woojin said before shoving Chan to the side,He began healing Jeongin and then shoo-ed? Chan out of the living room so he could change Jeongin as soon as His tail turned into legs.After Woojin changed Jeongin he carried him to Felix's and Jisung shared bedroom and placed him on Felix's bed and then pulled the cover's over him so he could rest.After Woojin went back to the living and checked if  there was any blood stains anywhere which there was not thankfully and then he checked if their were any leading to the villa which there was none too.

Soon Everyone arrived home and Woojin explained that someone else is moving in with them and that they should all treat him with respect, They will all call him their maknae because his name was private information they all agreed and started unpacking their stuff that they bought.

"Woojin Hyung look what I bought for my little fennec fox"Felix squealed and pulled out a big pink sweater for Jeongin and shoved it in Woojin's face."He's gonna look like a clown like me HUEHUE I also bought him harry potter glasses"

"Why are you buying clothes for a stranger that you haven't even met?"Questioned Seungmean

"Actually I do know-"Woojin cut Felix off with his hand over Felix's mouth

"I think what he's trying to say is 'I SHOULD GET SOME REST' isn't that right Felix"Woojin said and Felix nodded before taking all the stuff and running to his shared bedroom.

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