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Hyunjin's wolf POV

"We're going to get ready In ummmm CHANS DORM yeah... Yeah I also moved into your dorm too now I don't have a lot of stuff so meh ok everybody lets leave these two alone Operation Hyunin starts at Training"Said Jimin and pushed everyone but Jeongin and me out of the now J.J.F.J room.

"Umm Innie can I kiss you?"I asked an I could see the shock on his face "It's fine if you don't want to"

"No No I want to but but I feel guilty it feels like im betraying Seungmin Hyung"Jeongin said quietly,My heart fluttered He was the same as before always thinking about others but not himself so caring,I leaned forward and caressed him cheeks

"Tell me Innie do you want me to kiss you or not"I whispered and he nodded

"Words baby"I whispered into his ear

"Yes Hyung"He replied,I smirked and kissed him... those unresistable lips that I once kissed I missed them and It felt right to have them on mine,As before they were soft and tasted like Vanilla I pulled away and layed my head on his lap while he played with my hair smiling and being a blushing mess

"Sing for me my Fennec fox"I said solfty and He smiled widely and began to sing (This is a song I wrote btw I just improvised so sorry if its bad)

"Willow Tree...The place where we all start

 Willow tree...The place all dreams go~

 The place where my loves goes Although We'll never walk the same dream 

My love~ will still go on

 Willow tree...though We will have to say goodbye 

Willow Tree...

My Love will never go by...

Although we'll never walk the same dream

My love~ 

will still go on...

I love you...

Willow tree Though we will have to say goodbye... Willow tree My love will never bid goodbye..."

Just Like that I fell asleep from Jeongin's singing  

2hours later

I woke up from a nudge from the back of my head

"What do you want Hyunjin?"I asked 

"I want control again and whats this fuzzy feeling I haven't felt like this since Jeongin... Wait did you do something"He asked 

"No No I was just playing with our Fennec fox"I replied 

"Fine now let me control for a while"He said and I just nodded

Hyunjin POV

I woke up and my head was on Maknae's Lap and he was paying with my hair and stroking my skin I felt a shiver go down my spine from his touch it felt so good

"Oh your awake Hyunjin? Or Wolfy?"Asked Maknae

"Hyunjin I didn't give you permission to call my wolf that and where is everyone else?"I Asked and he looked at the floor.

"Ummmmm Somewhere?"He replied and looked at his phone 

"Oh No Im late ummmmm I have to go sorry My mate is waiting for me have fun"He blabbered out and ran out of the door

"Mate? Must be a weird vampire anyway what was he doing while I was asleep"I asked my wolf

"Ummmmm nothing just letting you have a good rest but seems like you didn't like it"My wolf replied

Hyunin-Vampire's Lake- gonna rewrite thisWhere stories live. Discover now