24(I cringed so much while writing this)

334 13 15

(ok so its been a year since I last written stuff on here but due to some issues I have to delete all my smuts) 08.01.21

Jeongin POV

I opened my eyes and saw a not naked Hyunjin? sleeping next to me with his arms tightly around my waist,I'm confused when did he change into his pajama's and when did i change into an oversized Shirt O_o .Anygays I couldn't help but stare at his ethereal feature's and fantasize about my future with him will i have a good life and grow old with Hyunjin loving him for as long as a century or longer or will i get betrayed again and die alone but not virgin.My thoughts were interupted by a kiss on the lips along with soft hands  massaging my shoulders.

"what are you thinking about Innie? also i know im handsome you don't need to make it obvious"Hyunjin smirked,instead of responding i leaned closer to his face and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm just thinking about the future Hyung"I finally said

"you know i won't be with you forever"Hyunjin sighed

"you'll live forever don't worry hyung"I replied  with a smile

"how im not a vampire?"Hyunjin asked raising his eyebrow

"thats another secret that i'll tell you soon"I replied giving Hyunjin another kiss but this time longer.

"ok then baby"Hyunjin  Replied,carrying me out of bed


I sat down next to Felix Hyung and started eating my cereal before Milk fight me.

"So Innie where are my nieces and Nephew's???" Felix Asked wiggling his eyebrow's as I choked on my cereal.


"Aish leave him alone Felix,So Innie (oh no I forgot what Chan and woojin's children are called and I can't find the chapter with their names O_o tOp tEn bEsT aUtHoR's) My babies aka your siblings need some friends so...Get pregnant"Woojin said pushing Felix away and hugging the life out of me

"Hyungs I'm too young and Also I told Hyunjin not to get me pregnant"I tried saying as Woojin hugged me tighter.

"Well you better be pregnant before...

(Uhhh Im just gonna make a new name for his pups so it'll be easy to remember Their new name's will be Jihoon and YanAn not creative ik)

Jihoon and YanAn turn 3 cause I don't want no big age gaps"Woojin sassed 

"Sorry about those Two for once im the mature one"Jimin said coming out of nowhere

"It's ok Hyung I'm use to it" I replied 

"anyway's wanna go play in the field I've learned some new tricks for when im in my wolf form"Jimin said,a smile blooming on his face.

"Sure let's go"I replied,getting up from my seat and walking to the packs field with Jimin by my side.When we got there we both shifted into our wolf forms and Jimin started teaching me all the new tricks he learnt.


After learning all the new tricks,we headed for the flower field were we made more flower crowns but this time we added a bit of our hair and loose strings from our clothes that had our scent on it for safety.All of a sudden a tall muscular wolf appears infront of us.

"hey ummm I need some help my bacon got stuck up in a tree"The wolf says

Being the helpful kind wolf I am I agree but Jimin stops me from going.

"He isn't from any packs in our pack I don't think you should go"Jimin Informs pulling me behind him and shifting into his wolf form.

"Its alright kids I won't harm you if you come with me but seriously my bacon is stuck up on a tree"The wolf repeats growing impatient

"Bitch fight me we aint going nowhere with you"Jimin Growled 

"Umm Guys whats that?"I asked looking past the wolf where there was a whole army of worms and frogs.Both Jimin and the wolf screamed and we legged it out of there like what the heck why were there frogs in a flower field I understand worms but FROGS?!?

Both Jimin and the wolf screamed and we legged it out of there like what the heck why were there frogs in a flower field I understand worms but FROGS?!?

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(LOL  stan pentagon btw)

As soon as I was inside the Castle I jumped on the tallest thing I could find and that tall thing was no other than Hyunjin dang why does he have to be so tall but right now I couldn't carae less cause those frogs look scary as hell.

"Woah I know you love me but you don't need to jump on me"Hyunjin laughed ruffling my hair and snaking his arms around me.

"1.I don't love you 2.Don't touch my hair 3.I only jumped on you because of those frogs"I replied, holding onto Hyunjin tightly

"Then I'll just have to drop you baby"Hyunjin threatened,slowly removing his arms and pulling me off him which resulted to me holding on tighter.

"Im never gonna let go until they go away"I whined

"Bruh Jeongin you left me to be with Hyunjin I thought we were flower crown brothers"Jimin Snorted coming out of nowhere making this face T_T

"Uhh sorry Jimin"I apologised getting off Hyunjin

"JIMIN?!? what happened to honourifics" Jimin fake cried

"Im just gonna go,you guys can talk it out"I said awkwardly and walked away from the two weird wolves that I totally don't know.

"Im just gonna go,you guys can talk it out"I said awkwardly and walked away from the two weird wolves that I totally don't know

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