Harasho? More like haraNO

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Berry: did you have any trouble with the homework?

Dark: nope, piece of cake

Berry: you didn't do it do you

Dark: I don't even know where the frixk my pen is


Berry: Great job on the video game win! I'm proud of you!

Galaxy: Thanks! Wait- you're giving me a sticker?

Berry: Not just any sticker. A sticker of a kitten saying "me-wow".

Galaxy: Berry , I'm not a preschooler.

Okami: I'll take it-

Galaxy: Back off. I earned this!


Dark: *coughs violently*

Okami: don't die



Berry: maybe if we set this on fire?

Dark: no, yeah, that's a no


Galaxy : Are you okay?

Okami: Yes... why?

Galaxy: Because earlier, you asked the clerk at the store if damage repair shampoo also works on emotions


Dark: I thought I was in a bad mood but it's been a few years so maybe that's just who I am now


Berry: who thinks they can fight me and win?

Okami: everyone

Berry: they're right I'm sensitive


Dark: we should clone Oka

Okami: why?

Dark:  If there were a billion Oka's, war would never happen. All the Oka's would just chill and drink juice.


Galaxy: *to Berry* I just ate an apple sticker because you weren't here to stop me, so there's that.

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