It Was a Secret?

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Ch 13

Thot Squad

Diavolo: Friendly PSA that Lucifer is beautiful. 

MC: We been knew

Asmoan: Yeah but I'm more beautiful 

Diavolo: Calumniosus.

Asmoan: eeeeeeek

Solomon: Why the sudden PSA?

Diavolo: I saw a dandelion and picked it to put behind his ear.

Diavolo: I swear the sun moved just to shine behind him after I did.

Diavolo: He looked like a fallen angel.

Simeon: This is so sweet.

Solomon: Meanwhile, with Simeon,

Simeon: :(

Asmoan: What does that mean

Simeon: Barbatos came up to Lucifer while Luke and I were talking to him

Simeon: Legit all he said was "Lord Diavolo would like to see you, Lucifer"

Simeon: And Luke went

Simeon: "Ew go away, we all know what kind of demonic business you do as his Highnesses lap dog"

Simeon: It was dead quiet before Barbatos just went "Please excuse me"

Simeon: You know, I consider myself to be a good man of God

Simeon: And I think I'm going to Heaven solely for the fact I didn't slap Luke then and there

Asmoan: I'm getting second hand embarrassment please no more

Solomon: If I was Barbatos I would've strangled him

MC: Luke is a good egg guys he's just a little

Solomon: Self-righteous?

Diavolo: Ignorant?

Asmoan: Bitchy?

MC: ....yeah

Simeon: Anyway, now I don't know if I can speak to Barbatos again. I shouldn't have been a bystander.

Diavolo: Frankly, you should have a long talk with Luke about respecting people who don't have angelic backgrounds like you two do.

Diavolo: Some people have to do what they can in order to survive, even if it isn't the most moral thing to do.

Simeon: He'll grow out of it, he's only 14.

Diavolo: Send him to my office. 

Simeon: Diavolo?

Diavolo: I'll straighten him out.

MC: D you're way too intimidating for Luke to handle. Hes not going to respond well to that

Diavolo: Alright, how about this: Simeon, come down with him and have him apologize to Barbatos. If he refuses to cooperate, he will have a lunch detention.

Asmoan: A lunch detention? Lol that's so tame

Solomon: But effective. Luke would be horrified to have a detention on his squeaky clean record.

Asmoan: He's such a fetus smh

Simeon: Well, we're coming

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