Chapter 26

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I'm in my room at the sway house, since tour cancelled the last week, scrolling through the tiktok for you page, when I came across a video, Tony's, to his signature sound at first it was just him, then some girl jumped in the frame threw it back on him, I laugh at Tony's reaction but then I realized who the girl was, Magnolia. I go straight to the comments as anger filled my body, they were all shipping them, ugh. I click on the tag, it was mags tiktok. 

Wow, eleven million?! That's my girl. I click on a vid of her and Nick, the comments were once again shipping them, now it was anger and jealousy. I scroll a bit and land on her first tiktok, it was with Charli, to the sound "Till the end" she was so hot, god I miss her, I scroll up to one with the sound "FRIENDS" by Anne-Marie. That when I was killed right away, she got super close to Nick almost connecting lips but then she pulled away. Why would she do that?! Was this just for clout, I mean of course but like do they like each other? Does she like Tony?

I decide to go to sleep and stop over thinking because after all it's really late, and the reason is dumb, it's just tiktok.


He got closer and closer until we were inches apart, he lifted my chin so i'd be looking straight at him, "Chase... I can't do this to Charli." I whisper, i felt his breathing on my skin, "She doesn't have to find out.." I freeze as he leans in and connects our lips, I don't know what to do, for some stupid reason I kissed back instead of pushing him away, guilty of such sins. And infatuated by the moment. He picks me up just a bit above my knees and sits me on the ledge of the pool, deepening the kiss, I still don't pull away. The words "She doesn't have to find out" replay in my head over and over.

"Wanna take this upstairs?" he asks, I look at him in the eyes, "What about the others, like nick and Thomas?" I ask, I should have just said no but deep down I wanted it to happen, it's wrong, very wrong, mostly because Charli is a very close friend. "Nick is with a friend, he's not in the house and Thomas, I'm pretty sure he went to Jake's cause he wasn't there when I asked you if you wanted to swim either." How did I not notice their absence? I'm having a little mental debate while biting my lip, then nod. He smiles, we get out of the pool and make our way upstairs. (Yeah you know what happens)

~~~time skip~~~

 I wake up and check my phone, 4:02 AM. I slowly look over my side and see Chase, Holy shit. It happened, I thought it was a dream, what the fuck! A wave of guilt hit me all of the sudden, I'm a horrible friend! I sit up and my breathing get's faster and faster. My eyes well up and it's getting harder to breath, I have a lump in my throat. i'm having a panic attack, I put on my underwear and the hoodie I had from earlier still having a panic attack, I sit down again as I start to feel myself tremble horribly, I'm sweating and panting, craving for air. There's a movement next to me, Chase woke up. 

He sits up as well and rubs my back, "Shhh, it's gonna be okay, just breathe." Oh wow, no shit genius!  He hugs me tightly and I try to let go, but that just causes his grip to get tighter. I finally calm down a few moment in the hug. I cry onto Chase's chest, "She's never going to forgive me.." I say between sobs, "It was just the moment, don't worry, this stays between us, like nothing happened" I nod, I set my alarm to 6 AM, so we could wake up before the others and we go back to sleep cuddling. 

I'm awoken by the sound of my alarm followed by a groan. Ugh, I hate morning, and I can tell Chase does too. 

"Once we get out of this room, we're back to being just friends. What happened in this room stays in this room. Deal?" I say as I put on some black leggings, "Deal." he replies. I nod and put my hair in a messy bun. "3....2....1.." I open the door and I step out, nothing happened. Put a smile and act like everything is normal, like you totally didn't just sleep with your friend's boyfriend.

"I'll make some breakfast... What do you want?" I ask him, looking through the fridge. "Yeah, no you're not cooking, let's go for breakfast, Starbucks?" he asks, well there goes my healthy phase, nah it's just a cheating day. "Fine..." i put my phone in my hoodie pocket along with my keys. Chase opens the door for me and we step out one after the other. "I'm gonna call an Uber" is he for real? The nearest Starbucks is only a seven minute walk. "No, I think the fuck not, we're walking." I say and start walking, he groans then catches up to me. Making small talk.

As I said seven minutes later, we make it to a Starbucks. We order and sit down, soon enough our names are called, we pick it up and make our way back to our table. We're talking when the bell at the door rings, directing my eyes towards the open door. Well isn't this convenient?! Guess who just walked in... Jaden. He makes his way to the counter and orders. As he waits for his change he looks around. And his eyes land directly on me, great.


I walk into a Starbucks to get some breakfast before getting another tattoo. Yes, another one. I order a venti coffee and a ham and cheese croissant, I pay and look around as I wait for my change, my eyes land immediately on a familiar girl's face, Magnolia's. She was with Chase. Well guess it's true what they say, she want the whole crew, shawty brave. Or should I say whore! What, no! You don't know nothing. They could be here as friends, for fuck's sake, Chase is with Charli. But the thought of them together hurt me the same.

Should I go up to them? No that's rude, but yet again, is it? What would happen if I do? What's the worse that could happen? But what would I say? Will it make it awkward? I turn back to the cashier who is handing me back my change. And when I turn back towards Mags she's waving at me to come over, well here goes nothing.


I waved him over, I don't know why. I just did. I missed him voice, I missed his hugs, I missed him, and I hated the fact that I did. I didn't want to fall back in his embrace, but at the end of the day I always do, and I hate the power he has over me. The effect he has on me. It makes me feel weak and that's what I hate, but I love him and that's the problem. I'll keep coming back to him in the end. 

"Hey guys." He says, god his voice... "Hey." I say, and chase follows my instincts. "What are you doing up so early? Neither of you guys are morning persons..." Dammit, jesus, that question, we should have planned this ahead. "Oh I don't know, I woke and I simply couldn't fall back asleep and I tripped and woke her up." Chase says, I sigh in relief. "Oh, well I need to go but it was great seeing you guys" he says, "Yeah, you too." I say and Chase waves, he leaves without any other word said. Am I dumb?! Why did I do that, see this is what I'm telling you, I don't function well with him around.

Until we finally meet~Jaden hosslerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora